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Kick Assiest Blog
Monday, 23 July 2007
Mood:  special

This Bliggety Blog is Almost Completely Out of Free Space, So... NEW BLOG ADDRESS

This has been fun. 8 months and 412 blog posts later, and at 19.9 MB used of 20 MB available, it's obviously time to begin anew.

So it's time to start bloggin' another chapter, whippin' the piss-lava libtards at the brand-spankin'-new blog address.


Posted by yaahoo_ at 9:41 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 2:39 AM EDT
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Libtard "Military" Blogger Lying about the Troops...

The New Republic Investigates Itself

Pulp Fiction?

The New Republic magazine says it is conducting an investigation into questions about a series of disturbing articles it published supposedly written by a U.S. soldier in Baghdad. The liberal publication is responding to objections first raised by The Weekly Standard -- which alerted bloggers who have come up with many skeptical observations.

The articles are written under the pseudonym "Scott Thomas" and detail offensive behavior such as one soldier's use of a Bradley Fighting Vehicle to crash through concrete barriers and kill dogs, another soldier's wearing of part of a human skull as a crown and a group of soldiers ridiculing a disfigured woman over a facial injury sustained in an IED attack. Many of these allegations have been challenged as unlikely or impossible by bloggers identifying themselves as troops in Iraq.

Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol tells The Washington Post that it appears the articles are frauds and that not one individual has confirmed any part of them. The New Republic says it has corroborated details in the articles with members of the soldier's unit, but continues to look into the matter.

Fox News.com ~ Political Grapevine - Brit Hume ** The New Republic Investigates Itself

I would highly recommend reading some of the responses to the article posted at the Weekly Standard.

This fucktard is slandering our troops and may be trying to set the stage for a new Winter Soldier debacle. This garbage cannot be allowed to stand.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 9:23 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 July 2007 9:32 PM EDT
Mood:  chatty
Topic: News

More Good News from Iraq: Sunnis, Shi'a Unite Against Al-Qaeda / Oil-Share Talks Continue

Story after story on good things happening over there...
Sunnis, Shi'a Unite Against Al-Qaeda
Sunnis Rebel Against Barbaric Al-Qaeda
Oil-Share Talks Continue Despite Bomb

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More Good News from Iraq

RUSH: Dale in Salt Lake City, welcome to the EIB, sir. It's great to have you.

CALLER: Thank you very much, Rush, and from a former Democrat I really appreciate all you do. I just had a quick question for you.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: You're well connected.

RUSH: Yup.

CALLER: I think you are, and I think you know what really is happening with the war. I know it's going to be a topic of conversation here with the Democrats tonight, and just from your perspective, what do we need to do over there? Are things going well? Do we need to add more troops. Do the troops have their hands tied behind their back? What do you feel is really going on in Iraq?

RUSH: I tell you, I think the surge is working. I believe the generals and what they've said, that the security measures are really beefing up. There's all kinds of great news out there today. There's a story from the Times Online in the UK: "Al-Qaeda Faces Rebellion From the Ranks -- Sickened by the group's barbarity, Iraqi insurgents are giving information to coalition forces -- Fed up with being part of a group that cuts off a person's face with piano wire to teach others a lesson, dozens of low-level members of al-Qaeda in Iraq are daring to become informants for the US military in a hostile Baghdad neighbourhood. The ground-breaking move in Doura is part of a wider trend that has started in other al-Qaeda hotspots across the country and in which Sunni insurgent groups and tribal sheikhs have stood together with the coalition against the extremist movement. 'They are turning. We are talking to people who we believe have worked for al-Qaeda in Iraq and want to reconcile and have peace,' said Colonel Ricky Gibbs, commander of the 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, which oversees the area." We've also captured the #1 Al-Qaeda in Iraq guy, and he's talking. He's admitting that this whole thing of Al-Qaeda in Iraq is a myth. It is a myth that they have created in order to perpetuate the notion that there is a civil war going on in Iraq, where there isn't. There is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq! It's just Al-Qaeda. Operatives from Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, other places are pouring into the country.

These are not native Iraqis that have joined Al-Qaeda. They're having to import these people, and the surge is working. This is how you beat them, is you turn their own people against them, and that apparently is happening. I don't have any inside information into what's going on over there. I'm connected, as you say, but I don't know anything more than what anybody who has access to media and what the generals are saying, and I think one of the indications, incidentally, that things are going better than anybody thought they would, is the Democrats' desire to kill the surge now rather than wait until September when the final report from General Petraeus comes out. I think they're desperate to get this done and over with because they cannot withstand good news, politically. They just can't withstand it. They've already told us that we have lost. So I think there's an uptick. I think things are happening. When you have the bad guys start turning on each other and when you capture bad guys, they start giving up information, you're obviously on the right track. It's taken some time. I don't know how long it will be sustained. But this can be won, and it could be done with the vision that the president has had -- and that's what scares the Democrats, frankly.

RUSH: Speaking of Iraq, there are a couple other stories here that indicate great news, and this is along the lines of the Al-Qaeda underlings becoming informants, being so outraged at the barbarity they're seeing. This is in the Washington Times today: "Iraqi Tribes Reach Security Accord." The thrust of the story is that 25 local tribes have joined the US against Al-Qaeda. This is the first agreement book between the Sunnis and the Shi'a. Twenty-five local tribes. Something is happening over there. "Members of the First Cavalry Division based at nearby Camp Taji helped broker the deal Saturday with the tribal leaders who agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji from both Sunni and Shi'ite extremists." You couple this with the other story, and something's happening. I don't know enough here to understand it all, but something different, something new is happening. People from the Sunni and Shi'a agreeing with us, uniting with us against Al-Qaeda, tells me that the surge is working, and they've reconciled, at least to the extent that they want to defeat Al-Qaeda. They may not have reconciled to get along with each other forever, the Sunnis and Shi'a, but they have reconciled to defeat Al-Qaeda. Also, they're working and meeting on the oil revenue law over there. "Oil Law Stalls in Iraq as Bomb Aims at Sheiks," but they're still meeting about it. What do you bet they get their oil law fixed in Iraq before we fix Social Security?

Read the Background Material...
UK Times: Al-Qaeda faces rebellion from the ranks
HA: Report: Some AQI rank and file turning on leadership?
FOX: Members Rebelling From Al Qaeda in Iraq
WT: Iraqi tribes reach security accord
NYT: Oil Law Stalls in Iraq as Bomb Aims at Sheiks
*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.
Rush Limbaugh.com ** More Good News from Iraq

Posted by yaahoo_ at 8:42 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 July 2007 8:57 PM EDT
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Libtard 9th Circus Halts Shell Oil's Arctic Drilling

RUSH: "A federal appeals court has ordered Shell Oil to stop its exploratory drilling off the north coast of Alaska until a hearing in August. The order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit blocks the February approval by the federal Minerals Management Service of Shell's offshore exploration plan for the Beaufort Sea. Vessels currently located in the area shall cease all operations performed in furtherance of that program and need not depart the area," said the Ninth Circus. "Opponents contend that the Minerals Management Service approved Shell's plan without fully considering that a large spill would harm marine mammals, including bowhead and beluga whales. They say polar bears could also be harmed, and they question whether cleaning up a sizable spill would even be possible in the icy waters."

So here we are, the same damn people demanding energy independence standing in the way of drilling that an oil company, Shell, had been granted the right to do. The Ninth Circus, they are the most overturned appellate court at the US Supreme Court, but this is not anywhere near the US Supreme Court. What do you think the odds are that Shell will ever get the right to drill back, now that they've been ordered to be suspended? Slim to none and slim has left town, as they say.

Reuters ~ Yereth Rosen ** Shell ordered to suspend Arctic offshore drilling

Posted by yaahoo_ at 8:16 PM EDT
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Dingy Harry Reid's Ethics Chicanery / Earmarks Exposed...

Reid's Ethics Chicanery Exposed

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RUSH: Steve in Savannah, Georgia, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you doing?

RUSH: Fine, sir.

CALLER: You know, I get bothered any time I hear anybody on Capitol Hill point the finger at the president and say he didn't train the military, when the Pentagon was begging for bases to be closed under the Bratt Commission, but you had self-serving senators and congresspeople up there saying, "Oh, don't close these bases. Don't save millions and millions of dollars and put that towards training."

RUSH: Well, the idea here that Congress exempts itself from any responsibility for things is not new. Look, what do you think Feingold's real purpose here is?

CALLER: To stay in office. Any time you can blame someone else and say, "Well, hey, don't make us work more than we absolutely have to and let's let somebody else take a look at this," taking away from himself by keeping himself in office. Professional politician.

RUSH: Well, beyond that. There's a political purpose here beyond his own reelection which of course is the first thing these guys are concerned with. What they're trying to do here is secure defeat in Iraq any which way they can. They're trying to force the Republicans into fading away from their support for the president. They're trying to make it untenable for Republicans to support the president on this, and they're trying to get Republican votes for future resolutions to pull out of Iraq so they can saddle Republicans and Bush with the eventual defeat and bloodbath that would happen. They haven't the guts to do it on their own. They do not have the guts to actually de-fund the war with a majority of Democrat votes. They can't get it done without Republican votes, and this is what they're trying to do. It's isolate the president. Make him a pariah that no Republican can support. It hasn't been working so far. In fact, each time they try these resolutions, they lose support for them. So Dingy Harry has pulled the whole defense authorization bill. Speaking of that, Robert Novak's piece, his column today, for those of you who voted in 2006 to get rid of Republicans because you thought they had become corrupt and because of earmarks and so forth, wait 'til you hear what Novak has uncovered.

This is something you will never see in the rest of the Drive-By Media. He writes this: "When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ... went home following his staged all-night session last week, he saved from possible embarrassment one of the least regular members of his Democratic caucus: Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Reform Republican Sen. Tom Coburn had ready a defense authorization bill amendment to remove Nelson's earmark funding a Nebraska-based company whose officials include Nelson's son. Such an effort became impossible when Reid pulled down the bill. That Reid's action would have this effect was mere coincidence. He knew that Sen. Carl Levin's amendment to the defense bill mandating a troop withdrawal from Iraq would fall short of the 60 senators needed to cut off debate, and planned from the start to pull the bill after the all-night debate, designed to satisfy anti-war zealots... But Reid also is working behind the scenes with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to undermine transparency of earmarks and prevent open debate on spending proposals such as Nelson's. These antics fit the continuing decline of the Senate, including an unwritten rules change requiring 60 votes (out of 100) to pass any meaningful bill."

This is interesting. Novak says, "When I arrived on Capitol Hill 50 years ago, Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson (like Reid today) confronted a slim Democratic Senate majority and a Republican president but was not burdened with the 60-vote rule. While Johnson used chicanery, Reid resorts to brute force that shatters the Senate's facade of civilized discourse. Reid is plotting to strip anti-earmark transparency from the final version of ethics legislation passed by the Senate and House, with tacit support from Republican senators and the GOP leadership." What this means is, when they talk about anti-earmark transparency... You know, everybody was upset about earmarks, and there have been a bunch of proposals that would make all these earmarks debated and publicly known before they were voted on. Reid and Pelosi are trying to strip that. They want to go back to "the culture of corruption," and the example here is Ben Nelson had an earmark that was going to fund a Nebraska company whose officials include Nelson's son. "In requesting [this] earmark, Nelson did not disclose his son's employment there. 'There's no requirement that he disclose that,' a Nelson spokesman said. 'But frankly, in this case, we didn't disclose it because it's so public.' An April 24 letter from Armed Services Committee Chairman Levin, giving all senators instructions on how to request earmarks, makes no mention of the 'Reid Amendment' passed by the Senate three months earlier but requires only certification that no senator's spouse will benefit from an earmark.

"Inclusion of Nelson's son, however, would be required if and when the ethics bill provision passes." They're trying to kill the ethics bill provision, exactly what they said they were going to fix when they ran against the so-called Republican culture of corruption last November. Novak talks about he has never seen the Senate behave the way it's behaving in his 50 years in Washington. "[I]n his tumultuous 6½ months as majority leader, [Harry Reid] has tended to suppress free expression in the [Senate]. Last week, he cut off an attempt to respond to him by Sen. Arlen Specter... in an abrupt way that I had not witnessed in a half century of Senate-watching. Neither had Specter. When Specter finally got the Senate floor, he declared: 'Nothing is done here until the majority leader decides to exercise his power to keep the Senate in all night on a meaningless, insulting session. ... Last night's performance made us the laughingstock of the world.'" That's Specter, after Reid wouldn't let him respond to something Reid was saying. Novak concludes by saying: "It may get worse if plans to eviscerate ethics legislation are pursued." They are being pursued. This is why I say I think the Democrats are putting a noose around their necks. Now, admittedly, the Drive-By Media is not interested in the details of this column by Novak. They will not report what is happening on the ethics side, but people will find out about it.

Read the Background Material...
CST: Reid presses stealth attack on ethics legislation
*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.
Rush Limbaugh.com ** Reid's Ethics Chicanery Exposed

Posted by yaahoo_ at 8:02 PM EDT
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Two San Fransicko cops, also Army reservists, filed a lawsuit claiming they were passed over for promotions because they served in Iraq...

Reservists: Police department violated USERRA

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO -- Two South San Francisco police officers who are also Army reservists have filed a federal lawsuit claiming their department has passed them over for promotions because they served tours of duty in Iraq.

William Carter, 53, has served nearly three decades with the police force and is also a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve. Howard Zimmerman, 38, has spent 10 years with the department, and is a major in the California Army National Guard.

Both men claim that the time they spent in Iraq training police and security forces has resulted in their being repeatedly passed over for promotions, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco. They now want the court to grant them back pay and promotions.

Their attorney, Daniel Crawford, argued that the police department has violated a 1994 law -- the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act -- prohibiting employment discrimination based on military service.

“These guys are putting their lives on the line, whether as police officers or as military officers, and to hold against them the fact that they serve in the military is horribly unjust,” Crawford said.

Police Chief Mark Raffaelli, who is also named in the suit, said the department has always supported officers serving in the armed forces. “We have abided by the rules we are supposed to abide by and that’s why it’s really surprising to receive [the suit],” he said.

Army Times ~ Associated Press ** Reservists: Police department violated USERRA

LOL ~ No way, not San Fransicko. I refuse to believe it. To heck with the evidence. San Fransicko is a libtard, "support the troops" utopia.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 2:10 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 July 2007 2:14 PM EDT
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Alarmist Gore, Cameron Diaz’s TV contest to save the planet

Washington -- After organising Live Earth concerts, former US Vice President Al Gore is now moving on to host a television contest about saving the planet, and this time, Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz will accompany him.

The contest, 60 Seconds to Save the Earth, challenges viewers across the US, the UK, and the Republic of Ireland to create brief public service announcements about how the problem of global warming can be tackled.

For this project, Al Gore and Diaz will work in association with independent media company Current TV, and Alliance for Climate Protection, an organization in the US that works towards gaining people’s support in solving the climate crisis.

"We are asking young adults to take a stance and use their creative voices to encourage change and help fight the climate crisis," Contactmusic quoted Gore as saying about his latest green initiative.

Diaz says that the project will offer an enormous opportunity to inculcate the desire for a change to save the Earth among the youth across the world.

"It is an exciting opportunity for young adults from around the world to inspire change because the planet needs a good publicist," she said.

She will be joined by Orlando Bloom, George Clooney, singer Rihanna and director Sam Mendes to select 20 finalists.

Bureau Report (with ANI inputs)
Zee News ** Al Gore, Diaz’s
TV contest to save planet

Maybe they should have brainiac Cheryl Crow appear on TV with them... then we could have a former music teacher, a science failure of a manbearpig, and a high school drop out -- lecturing us on the 'science' of global warming -- while giving a practical demonstration of how they wipe their asses with one sheet of toilet paper.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 2:59 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 July 2007 3:08 AM EDT
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

British Big Brother: Eat Right... or Else! Even higher taxes on snacks, and Cameras analyzing exhaust fumes to fine emission violators...

Eat Right... or Else!

Researchers in Britain say a tax on foods some consider unhealthy could discourage people from eating them, make people healthier and save lives. The Oxford study suggested that extending Britain's existing tax on ice cream, snacks and drinks to dairy products, fatty meats and desserts could save up to 3,200 lives per year.

But critics in Britain and the U.S. say diet is a private matter and government should stay out. Still, New York City will start banning the use of trans-fats in restaurants beginning next year. Chicago is considering a similar ban and a bill in Maine to tax snack foods failed by just one vote this spring.

Watching and Smelling

Officials in London have been testing a special kind of surveillance camera that can analyze exhaust fumes and record license plate numbers -- opening up the door to fine owners of vehicles that do not meet emission standards.

The Daily Telegraph reports the cameras can scan 3,000 vehicles per hour -- and could be used to enforce new pollution restrictions that go into effect next February -- with fines of around $400/day for violators.

Fox News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.
Fox News.com ~ Political Grapevine - Eat Right... or Else! / Watching and Smelling

Posted by yaahoo_ at 8:34 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 July 2007 8:47 AM EDT
Kill Bill
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Jay Rockefeller (D) reportedly plans to introduce a bill that would give FCC the power to regulate TV violence

Kill Bill?

Over in the Senate, West Virginia Democrat Jay Rockefeller reportedly plans to introduce a bill that would give the Federal Communications Commission the power to regulate violent content on television. The FCC already has authority over sexual and language content, but not violence.

Cybercast News reports the Rockefeller bill would require either the FCC or Congress to work up a "definition" of television violence. It would also attempt to increase family-friendly programming —- particularly in the first hour of prime time, known as the family hour.

Critics say all of this amounts to an effort to limit free speech and they are concerned with the fact that the bill would apply not only to broadcast TV, but to cable and satellite stations as well.

Fox News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.
Fox News.com ~ Political Grapevine - Bret Baier ** Kill Bill?

Posted by yaahoo_ at 8:20 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 July 2007 12:15 PM EDT
Mood:  special
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Kick Ass Fred Thompson Bumper Stickers, Website

 See 'em all...

Fred Thompson t-shirts, golf-shirts, bumper-stickers, magnets, mugs and more!


Posted by yaahoo_ at 6:48 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 July 2007 7:00 AM EDT

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