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Kick Assiest Blog
Friday, 20 July 2007
John Doe
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Libtards Want 'John Doe' Provision Cut, Report Terrorist Act & Dems Will Allow You To Be Sued...

Demented-crats Aid Radical Islamists, Trial Lawyers

RUSH: News item: "Democrats are trying to pull a provision from a homeland security bill that will protect the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior that may lead to a terrorist attack..." This bill was proposed by Peter King, and it was in the aftermath of the flying imams, those six of them that got on an airplane in Minneapolis and started behaving in a manner similar to what was reported on the flights on 9/11. So some passengers and flight crew reported 'em, and the imams threatened to sue the airline and the passengers and all that. So they introduced this legislation that would protect the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior.

But the government itself is telling us to do this. "Be vigilant out there! Keep an eye out! Keep a sharp eye out for suspicious behavior!" Now, the Democrats are trying to take this out. "This legislation moves to a House and Senate conference committee this afternoon and will implement final recommendations from the 9/11 Commission, and Peter King said, 'Democrats are trying to find any technical excuse to keep immunity out of the language of the bill to protect citizens who, in good faith, report suspicious activity to the cops or law enforcement. It's a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward and it caves in to radical Islamists.'" It does! What in the world is the benefit to the Democrats of this? The trial lawyers! All right. "How dare you try to limit lawsuits?" is the answer to the question, ladies and gentlemen. The trial lawyers. This is a potential goldmine out there waiting to be raked in. I'm glad you asked.

Washington Times ~ Audrey Hudson ** Tipster shields lifted by Democrats

Posted by yaahoo_ at 2:27 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 July 2007 2:35 AM EDT

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