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Kick Assiest Blog
Saturday, 25 November 2006
10 Is the New 15 As Kids Grow Up Faster
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

10 Is the New 15 As Kids Grow Up Faster

Zach Plante is close with his parents - he plays baseball with them and, on weekends, helps with work in the small vineyard they keep at their northern California home.

Lately, though, his parents have begun to notice subtle changes in their son. Among other things, he's announced that he wants to grow his hair longer - and sometimes greets his father with "Yo, Dad!"

"Little comments will come out of his mouth that have a bit of that teen swagger," says Tom Plante, Zach's dad.

Thing is, Zach isn't a teen. He's 10 years old - one part, a fun-loving fifth-grader who likes to watch the Animal Planet network and play with his dog and pet gecko, the other a soon-to-be middle schooler who wants an iPod.

In some ways, it's simply part of a kid's natural journey toward independence. But child development experts say that physical and behavioral changes that would have been typical of teenagers decades ago are now common among "tweens" - kids ages 8 to 12.

Some of them are going on "dates" and talking on their own cell phones. They listen to sexually charged pop music, play mature-rated video games and spend time gossiping on MySpace. And more girls are wearing makeup and clothing that some consider beyond their years.

Zach is starting to notice it in his friends, too, especially the way they treat their parents.

"A lot of kids can sometimes be annoyed by their parents," he says. "If I'm playing with them at one of their houses, then they kind of ignore their parents. If their parents do them a favor, they might just say, 'OK,' but not notice that much."

The shift that's turning tweens into the new teens is complex - and worrisome to parents and some professionals who deal with children. They wonder if kids are equipped to handle the thorny issues that come with the adolescent world.

"I'm sure this isn't the first time in history people have been talking about it. But I definitely feel like these kids are growing up faster - and I'm not sure it's always a good thing," says Dr. Liz Alderman, an adolescent medicine specialist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. She's been in practice for 16 years and has noticed a gradual but undeniable change in attitude in that time.

She and others who study and treat children say the reasons it's happening are both physical and social.

Several published studies have found, for instance, that some tweens' bodies are developing faster, with more girls starting menstruation in elementary school - a result doctors often attribute to improved nutrition and, in some cases, obesity. While boys are still being studied, the findings about girls have caused some endocrinologists to lower the limits of early breast development to first or second grade.

Along with that, even young children are having to deal with peer pressure and other societal influences.

Beyond the drugs, sex and rock'n'roll their boomer and Gen X parents navigated, technology and consumerism have accelerated the pace of life, giving kids easy access to influences that may or may not be parent-approved. Sex, violence and foul language that used to be relegated to late-night viewing and R-rated movies are expected fixtures in everyday TV.

And many tweens model what they see, including common plot lines "where the kids are really running the house, not the dysfunctional parents," says Plante, who in addition to being Zach's dad is a psychology professor at Santa Clara University in California's Silicon Valley.

He sees the results of all these factors in his private practice frequently.

Kids look and dress older. They struggle to process the images of sex, violence and adult humor, even when their parents try to shield them. And sometimes, he says, parents end up encouraging the behavior by failing to set limits - in essence, handing over power to their kids.

"You get this kind of perfect storm of variables that would suggest that, yes, kids are becoming teens at an earlier age," Plante says.

Natalie Wickstrom, a 10-year-old in suburban Atlanta, says girls her age sometimes wear clothes that are "a little inappropriate." She describes how one friend tied her shirt to show her stomach and "liked to dance, like in rap videos."

Girls in her class also talk about not only liking but "having relationships" with boys.

"There's no rules, no limitations to what they can do," says Natalie, who's also in fifth grade.

Her mom, Billie Wickstrom, says the teen-like behavior of her daughter's peers, influences her daughter - as does parents' willingness to allow it.

"Some parents make it hard on those of us who are trying to hold their kids back a bit," she says.

So far, she and her husband have resisted letting Natalie get her ears pierced, something many of her friends have already done. Now Natalie is lobbying hard for a cell phone and also wants an iPod.

"Sometimes I just think that maybe, if I got one of these things, I could talk about what they talk about," Natalie says of the kids she deems the "popular ones."

It's an age-old issue. Kids want to fit in - and younger kids want to be like older kids.

But as the limits have been pushed, experts say the stakes also have gotten higher - with parents and tweens having to deal with very grown-up issues such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Earlier this year, that point hit home when federal officials recommended a vaccine for HPV - a common STD that can lead to cervical cancer - for girls as young as age 9.

"Physically, they're adults, but cognitively, they're children," says Alderman, the physician in New York. She's found that cultural influences have affected her own children, too.

Earlier this year, her 12-year-old son heard the popular pop song "Promiscuous" and asked her what the word meant.

"I mean, it's OK to have that conversation, but when it's constantly playing, it normalizes it," Alderman says.

She observes that parents sometimes gravitate to one of two ill-advised extremes - they're either horrified by such questions from their kids, or they "revel" in the teen-like behavior. As an example of the latter reaction, she notes how some parents think it's cute when their daughters wear pants or shorts with words such as "hottie" on the back.

"Believe me, I'm a very open-minded person. But it promotes a certain way of thinking about girls and their back sides," Alderman says. "A 12-year-old isn't sexy."

With grown-up influences coming from so many different angles - from peers to the Internet and TV - some parents say the trend is difficult to combat.

Claire Unterseher, a mother in Chicago, says she only allows her children - including an 8-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter - to watch public television.

And yet, already, they're coming home from school asking to download songs she considers more appropriate for teens.

"I think I bought my first Abba single when I was 13 or 14 - and here my 7-year-old wants me to download Kelly Clarkson all the time," Unterseher says. "Why are they so interested in all this adult stuff?"

Part of it, experts say, is marketing - and tweens are much-sought-after consumers.

Advertisers have found that, increasingly, children and teens are influencing the buying decisions in their households - from cars to computers and family vacations. According to 360 Youth, an umbrella organization for various youth marketing groups, tweens represent $51 billion worth of annual spending power on their own from gifts and allowance, and also have a great deal of say about the additional $170 billion spent directly on them each year.

Toymakers also have picked up on tweens' interest in older themes and developed toy lines to meet the demand - from dolls known as Bratz to video games with more violence.

Diane Levin, a professor of human development and early childhood at Wheelock College in Boston, is among those who've taken aim at toys deemed too violent or sexual.

"We've crossed a line. We can no longer avoid it - it's just so in our face," says Levin, author of the upcoming book "So Sexy So Soon: The Sexualization of Childhood."

Earlier this year, she and others from a group known as the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood successfully pressured toy maker Hasbro to drop plans for a line of children's toys modeled after the singing group Pussycat Dolls.

Other parents, including Clyde Otis III, are trying their own methods.

An attorney with a background in music publishing, Otis has compiled a line of CDs called "Music Talking" that includes classic oldies he believes are interesting to tweens, but age appropriate. Artists include Aretha Franklin, Rose Royce and Blessid Union of Souls.

"I don't want to be like a prude. But some of the stuff out there, it's just out of control sometimes," says Otis, a father of three from Maplewood, N.J.

"Beyonce singing about bouncing her butt all over the place is a little much - at least for an 8-year-old."

In the end, many parents find it tricky to strike a balance between setting limits and allowing their kids to be more independent.

Plante, in California, discovered that a few weeks ago when he and Zach rode bikes to school, as the two of them have done since the first day of kindergarten.

"You know, dad, you don't have to bike to school with me anymore," Zach said.

Plante was taken aback.

"It was a poignant moment," he says. "There was this notion of being embarrassed of having parents be too close."

Since then, Zach has been riding by himself - a big step in his dad's mind.

"Of course, it is hard to let go, but we all need to do so in various ways over time," Plante says, "as long as we do it thoughtfully and lovingly, I suppose."

On the Net: Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood --- Music Talking

Martha Irvine is a national writer specializing in coverage of people in their 20s and younger. She can be reached at mirvine@ap.org.
My Way News ~ Associated Press - Martha Irvine ** 10 Is the New 15 As Kids Grow Up Faster

Posted by yaahoo_ at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 26 November 2006 6:49 AM EST
PETA Libtards Mistakenly Target Alaska Church
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

PETA Mistakenly Targets Alaska Church

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- The pastor at Anchorage First Free Methodist Church was mystified. Why was the activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals chastising him? No animals are harmed in the church's holiday nativity display. In fact, animals aren't used at all.

People, however, do dress the parts - Mary, Joseph, the wise men, etc. The volunteers stand shivering at a manger on the church lawn in a silent tribute to Christmas.

The Rev. Jason Armstrong was confused by an e-mail this week from PETA, which admonished him for subjecting animals "to cruel treatment and danger," by forcing them into roles in the church's annual manger scene.

"We've never had live animals, so I just figured this was some spam thing," Armstrong said. "It's rough enough on us people standing out there in the cold. So we're definitely not using animals."

Jackie Vergerio, PETA's captive animals in entertainment specialist, said her organization tracks churches nationwide that use real animals in "living nativity scenes."

Seems the confusion started with the church's choice of phrase. PETA flagged Free Methodist's display as a "living nativity," and indeed, that's how the church describes it on its Web site.

To PETA, that means animals.

"Those animals are subject to all sorts of terrible fates in some cases," Vergerio said. "Animals have been stolen and slaughtered, they've been raped, they've escaped from the nativity scenes and have been struck by cars and killed. Just really unfathomable things have happened to them."

In the letter to Armstrong, Vergerio shared some sad fates of previous nativity animals - like Brighty the donkey, snatched from a nativity scene in Virginia and beaten by three young men. Ernie the camel fled a creche in Maryland but was struck and killed by a car. Two sheep and a donkey had to be euthanized after a dog mauling at a manger scene in Virginia.

Free Methodist's display is peaceful, Armstrong said. The congregation erects the stable. Members spread straw and don costumes. Some even dress as manger animals.

"We have some puppet camel things we put out," Armstrong said. "We have a cow hood thing that a person will wear that actually just looks spooky."

The volunteers stand beneath a brightly lit electric star as Christmas music fills the frosty air. They don't even speak.

"No one's come by protesting or thrown bloodstained fur at us or anything," Armstrong said. "We even use a plastic baby."

Access North Ga.com ~ Associated Press ** PETA Mistakenly Targets Alaska Church
Also at: Chicago Tribune ~ Associated Press ** No flock here, pastor tells PETA
Fox News ~ Associated Press ** PETA Mistakenly Targets Alaska Church Over Nativity Scene
Related: The truth about how PETA nothing more than a libtard extremist group that financially supports and aids arsonists, violent criminals, and terrorist groups.
Target Of Opportunity ** People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Posted by yaahoo_ at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 26 November 2006 9:21 AM EST
Friday, 24 November 2006
The HuffPo's prayer for Dick Cheney's death, Hate-obsessed libtards reach yet another new low
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Arianna's Playpen on the Holiday

By Kathryn Jean Lopez

The Huffington Post reaches a new low with a prayer for Dick Cheney's death from libtard Tony Hendra.

National Review Online ~ The Corner ** Arianna's Playpen on the Holiday

Libtards will do, as libtards will do. I'm not anywhere near shocked or amazed by their hatred anymore. Their bullshit "compassion" always seems to shine through.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 24 November 2006 12:17 AM EST
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Puglosi's Dream Team ~ Congressional Committees Chairmanship Roster
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: My very own, latest column
Topic: My Columns

Puglosi's Dream Team ~

Congressional Committees Chairmanship Roster

The Speaker of the House Elect, Mad-dem Nancy "NAMBLA" Puglosi, may not stop with the "ethically pure" chairman picks of Jack "Redeployed" Murtha and Alcee "Impeached" Hastings. In fine Demented-crat fashion, I'd like to submit more powerful committee chairmanship positions in Congress for the libtard leadership to consider:

• Chairman of the Senatorial
Real Estate Agents Caucus:

Sen. Majority Leader,
Harry Greid (D-NV)

• Chairman of the Congressional
Race Relations Committee:

Michael "Kramer" Richards

• Secretary of Education:
Debra Lafave

• "Keeper of Records":
Sandy Burglar

• Congressional Chairman of
"No Child Left Behind":

John Mark Karr

• Drug Zsar:
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)

• Secretary of the (Freezer) Interior:
Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA)

• Chaiman of Military and Armed Services Recruitment:
Sen. Lurch Heinz Kerry (D-MA)

• Mississippi State Welcome Committee, and
• Chairman of The Military Eligibility Council:
Rep. Charlie "Draft" Rangel (D-NY)

• Congressional Chocolate City Council:
Mayor Ray Nagin (D-New Orleans)

• Chief of Interns:
"Billyboy" Clintax

•• Can't remember all the other ones I was laughing / thinking about in chat last night.

But you get the idea, I know I left alot of big names and positions open... the list could go on and on.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 6:46 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 23 November 2006 10:12 PM EST

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by yaahoo_ at 12:29 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 23 November 2006 6:15 AM EST
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Each president, starting with Washington, will bear their image on the dollar coin starting in 2007
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

If you spent a Clintax dollar, would it be inappropriate to say you 'blew' the money?
Just wondering...

Dollar coin gets presidential spin

WASHINGTON - Can George Washington and Thomas Jefferson succeed where Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea failed? The U.S. Mint is hoping America's presidents will win acceptance, finally, for the maligned one-dollar coin.

The public will get the chance to decide starting in February when the first of the new coins, bearing the image of the first president, is introduced.

Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are scheduled to grace the coin in 2007, with a different president appearing every three months.

The series will honor four different presidents per year, in the order they served in office. Each president will appear on only one coin, except for Grover Cleveland, who will be on two because he was the only president to serve nonconsecutive terms. To be depicted on a coin, a president must have been dead for at least two years.

The idea of rotating designs borrows from the highly successful 50-state quarter program. Since its launch in 1999, this program has featured five state designs each year in the order the state joined the union.

The quarter program has been widely successful, introducing millions of people to coin collecting for the first time. The Mint hopes the presidential program will enjoy similar success, in part because of the bold designs on the new coins.

Those designs are being made public during a ceremony today at the Smithsonian Institution's National Portrait Gallery, home of some of the famous paintings that served as models for the coins.

Copies of the designs were made available to the Associated Press in advance.

"These designs are beautiful and so eye-catching that a lot of Americans are going to do a double-take when they get them in their change the first time," Edmund C. Moy, the director of the Mint, said in an AP interview.

The coins will be the same size as the Sacagawea dollar - a little larger than a quarter - and the same golden color as the Sacagawea. The image of the president will be on one side and the Statue of Liberty on the other.

The images will be slightly larger than those on a quarter because space was freed up by moving some of the traditional wording such as "In God We Trust" to the edge of the coin. Edge lettering has not been tried on an American coin since 1933.

Will all this be enough to make the presidential dollars a success where the Susan B. Anthony, introduced in 1979, and the Sacagawea, introduced in 2000, have been flops, at least in terms of gaining acceptance as circulating coins?

Moy is optimistic, saying a number of things have changed since the Sacagawea launch six years ago. Rising prices mean it takes more quarters to feed the parking meter and vending machines. People might now be more willing to carry the dollar coin to replace four quarters.

Moy said the Mint also will do a better job of coordinating with the Federal Reserve to make sure that commercial banks quickly get their orders for the new dollars filled.

"We are geared up to make hundreds of millions of these coins depending on what the demand is," Moy said.

Rep. Michael Castle, R-Del., a prime mover in Congress for both the 50-state quarter legislation and the presidential coins, said he believed the new dollars would have a good chance for success.

Buffalo News ~ Associated Press - Martin Crutsinger ** Dollar coin gets presidential spin

Posted by yaahoo_ at 7:48 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 November 2006 8:13 PM EST
The first remarkable close-up pictures of animals in the womb
Mood:  special
Topic: Odd Stuff

The first remarkable close-up pictures of animals in the womb

Gallery: See more amazing pictures of animals in the womb

An unborn elephant, tiny but perfect in every way. A dolphin swimming in the womb, just as it will have to swim in the ocean the moment it is born. An unborn dog panting.
Each one amazing and now, thanks to these remarkable pictures, they can be seen for the first time.

Using an array of technology, the images reveal what until now has been a secret - exactly how animals develop in the womb. They were created by the same team who in 2004 showed how human embryos "walk in the womb".

Using a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras, the team were able to show the entire process from conception to birth.

"These kind of images from inside animals have never been seen before," said Jeremy Dear of Pioneer Productions, who made the film.

"We worked with dozens of zoos and animal sanctuaries across the world. There were a lot of different challenges - recording a dolphin is very different from an elephant, for instance.

"Animals were trained to sit still near the scanners and we also inserted cameras into the womb via the elephant's rectum-But it has been worth it. It one sequence we follow an elephant developing. When it is finally born, there is not a dry eye in the house.

"The images in the film are a testament to the ingenuity and patience of the production team led by Yavar Abbas and Dr David Barlow, who worked with some of the world's leading vets to obtain these pictures."

The images were created for the programme Animals In The Womb, a two-hour show to be broadcast on the National Geographic Channel in America next month and on Channel 4 and the National Geographic Channel in the UK next year.

Researchers used scans to track elephant calves developing for almost two years in the womb - the longest gestation period of all mammals.

It shows at 16 weeks the elephant foetus starting to look more like an elephant as the trunk develops.

At almost a year, the trunk is longer than the legs, and by 14 months, the characteristic elephant ears are visible. They will eventually grow to almost two feet across to help regulate the body temperature of the fullymature-elephant. At birth, he will weigh nearly 260lb and be able to take his first steps in minutes.

Animals closer to home were also studied. A golden retriever foetus is shown exhibiting some of the same behaviour as family pets, panting with its tongue out, while still in the womb.

Programme makers also reveal the moment at eight weeks when a baby dolphin learns to swim while in the womb. During the next few weeks, it develops flippers, a tail and a blowhole before being born after a year, and must be able to quickly swim to the surface to take its first breath of air.

Experts also found that at 24 days, the dolphin embryo develops tiny leg-like buds, which then disappear over the next two weeks.

After 11 weeks, the dolphin embryo's fins display bone structures resembling human hands, which experts believe may show that dolphin ancestors were land dwellers.

The footage also shows how many animal embryos are like human ones.

"The incredible thing about the early images is how we all look very similar - it is obviously we humans share a common mammalian ancestry very early in life," said Mr Dear.

Reader comments Gallery: See more amazing pictures of animals in the womb
UK Daily Mail  ** The first remarkable close-up pictures of animals in the womb
Related: Scientific Photographer Takes Awesome Microscopic Pictures of Inside the Human Body, Fetus Formation

Posted by yaahoo_ at 6:42 PM EST
Global What Now? Antarctic Ice Sheet Getting Thicker
Mood:  cool
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance

Wingham, D.J., Shepherd, A., Muir, A. and Marshall, G.J. 2006. Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 364: 1627-1635.

What was done
The authors "analyzed 1.2 x 108 European remote sensing satellite altimeter echoes to determine the changes in volume of the Antarctic ice sheet from 1992 to 2003." This survey, in their words, "covers 85% of the East Antarctic ice sheet and 51% of the West Antarctic ice sheet," which together comprise "72% of the grounded ice sheet.""

What was learned
Wingham et al. report that "overall, the data, corrected for isostatic rebound, show the ice sheet growing at 5 ± 1 mm year-1." To calculate the ice sheet's change in mass, however, "requires knowledge of the density at which the volume changes have occurred," and when the researchers' best estimates of regional differences in this parameter are used, they find that "72% of the Antarctic ice sheet is gaining 27 ± 29 Gt year-1, a sink of ocean mass sufficient to lower [authors' italics] global sea levels by 0.08 mm year-1." This net extraction of water from the global ocean, according to Wingham et al., occurs because "mass gains from accumulating snow, particularly on the Antarctic Peninsula and within East Antarctica, exceed the ice dynamic mass loss from West Antarctica."

What it means
Contrary to all the horror stories one hears about global warming-induced mass wastage of the Antarctic ice sheet leading to rising sea levels that gobble up coastal lowlands worldwide, the most recent decade of pertinent real-world data suggest that forces leading to just the opposite effect are apparently prevailing, even in the face of what climate alarmists typically describe as the greatest warming of the world in the past two millennia or more.

CO2 Science ~ Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change ** Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance                 Related: Snow Reported In Central Florida
Arctic May Be "Fighting Back" Against Rising Warmth, new patterns of cooling ocean currents

Posted by yaahoo_ at 2:16 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 November 2006 2:30 AM EST
Snow Reported In Central Florida
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Snow Reported In Central Florida

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Snow flurries were reported in Seminole, Orange, and Volusia Counties Tuesday night. We even saw some snow at Channel 9's Orlando studios.

The last time it snowed in Central Florida was reportedly January 24, 2003. Before that, it hadn't snowed since 1989.

A blast of cold air is moving into the state this week, state emergency officials said.

Wind chills may drop into the 20s in parts of north Florida and high temperatures may only reach the 60s
  as far south as the Keys on Wednesday, state meteorologist Ben Nelson said.

Miami wasn't expected to even hit 70 on Wednesday, and low temperatures were expected to dive into the mid-40s.

A developing storm out at sea off of Florida's east coast is driving cold air southward into the state, which resulted in freeze watches for several locations in the Panhandle earlier this week.

Nelson said wind chills could be in the 30s even in Central Florida on several nights this week and reminded Florida residents to protect themselves, their plants, their pets and their pipes.

The cold weather is expected to last through Thanksgiving, but by the end of the week warmer temperatures were forecast to return. By Sunday, the high in Miami is expected to be 81.

WFTV.com ~ AP ** Snow Reported In Central Florida
Related: Global What Now? Antarctic Ice Sheet Getting Thicker
Arctic May Be "Fighting Back" Against Rising Warmth, new patterns of cooling ocean currents

Posted by yaahoo_ at 1:53 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 November 2006 2:52 AM EST
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Some fascinating statistics about the war on terror, Our troops kill 29 jihadists for every 1 coalition loss
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Some fascinating statistics about the war on terror

Every day, we are reminded of how many fine men and women have paid the ultimate price in the war on terror. I began to wonder, what is the casualty rate for the other side in this war?

In Iraq, I’ve seen several sources cite “about 55,000” insurgents killed; they’re listed as “Iraqi insurgents,” but I have not seen any specification of what percentage are Iraqi and what percentage are foreign fighters.

As of this writing, the number of U.S. troops who have died in Iraq stands at 2,867. I’ve also seen the figure 2,493 for deaths from hostile action.

This suggests that about 22 bad guys are killed for every U.S. combat death; 19 to 1 if you use the total U.S. death figure.

I can find no clear and specific number as to how many Taliban and al-Qaeda have been killed in Afghanistan since the start of hostilities there in 2001. I would prefer a better source than Wikipedia, but they list 5,500 killed and 1,000 captured. According to Wikipedia, 187 Americans have died in hostile action, 102 died in non-hostile action.

Again, about 29 to 1 in terms of combat deaths, or 19 to 1 in terms of all U.S. deaths.

(I also note that CIA Director Michael Hayden [right] stated on the five year anniversary of 9/11 that the U.S. had killed or captured more than 5,000 since the attacks. I presume that at least some of that number represents strikes from Hellfire missiles in places like Pakistan and Yemen and perhaps other places where the reach of the U.S and its allies has eliminated al-Qaeda members and their allies.)

Are those ratios about as good as we can possibly expect against a non-uniformed foe who hides among civilians and uses IEDs, car bombs, and explosives in backpacks instead of tanks and infantry?

If you start from the assumption that the U.S. is in a war with the ideology of jihad, Islamism, Islamo-fascism, whatever you prefer to call the mentality that the murder of nonbelievers is a holy duty, and that there is no alternative to fighting and killing this foe, than by these measures both Iraq and Afghanistan are exceptionally effective offensives in this war. The bad guys who die on a battlefield in those faraway places cannot detonate a suicide belt in the middle of Times Square.

I’m sure there will be those who will contend that some of the insurgents killed in Iraq are only fighting for their homeland, and who would never ever in a million years join an international jihadist organization like al-Qaeda. I am sure there are those who will also contend that “we’re creating terrorists” with our policies, that so many of these young Arab and Muslim males would be living in perfect harmony with the West, if only we had pursued different policies in the Middle East. Yes, yes, it’s not what they’re hearing from their imam, or at their madrassa, or on the Internet or from their rabidly anti-American media and political leaders; it’s entirely our policies that motivate sensible young men to become suicide bombers.

I tend to believe that if you’re willing to blow yourself up in Sadr City, you’re probably willing to consider blowing yourself up in Seattle. If you’re willing to wire a car bomb in Kabul, it’s not unthinkable that you might try the same in an American city.

As the new Democratic Congressional majorities attempt to hammer out a new Iraq policy, they would be wise to keep an eye on the casualties on the other side of the battle.

UPDATE: Over at North Shore Journal, they recently started a project to keep track of terrorist and insurgent deaths. Unfortunately, they only began keeping records since November 1. Yet in a half a month or so, 144 enemy dead recorded in Iraq, 34 recorded in Afghanistan.

National Review ~ TKS - Jim Geraghty ** Some fascinating statistics about the war on terror

For one representative description of unrestrained warfare read this: Celtiberian War

Posted by yaahoo_ at 8:29 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 21 November 2006 8:34 PM EST

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