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Saturday, 13 January 2007
Libtards' attempts to silence Melanie Morgan
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Topic: Columns

Liberals' attempts to silence me

By Melanie Morgan -- Archive

The week that was provided interesting examples of how desperate and pathetic liberals have become.

Their lust for political power, after having suffered one election defeat after another, has become so great that they don't seem to be trying too hard to hide the ugly aspects of liberalism. Now that they've won control of Congress, liberals feel emboldened to reveal their true selves.

Protesting the peanut farmer
Not that it should surprise anyone, but 14 advisory board members at the Carter Center resigned in protest yesterday, no longer able to tolerate the pro-Palestinian bias of the disgraced former president.

In their letter of resignation, the board members wrote of Carter, "You have clearly abandoned your historic role of broker in favor of becoming an advocate for one side."

No kidding.

The question then remains, how can honest journalists and political leaders in the free world continue to legitimize Jimmy Carter after he has proven time and again that he is on the wrong side in the struggle for freedom and liberty.

In Iran, Carter chose the wrong side. In North Korea, Carter chose wrong. In Iraq, Carter chose wrong. In Cuba, Carter chose wrong. In Israel and the Palestinian territories, Carter chose wrong.

Are there any terrorists, despots or dictators that Jimmy Carter has met that he wouldn't embrace? Can you think of one? Just one brutal, murderous tyrant who Jimmy Carter stood up to and said, "You are no friend of mine"?

Liberal hot air
On another front, reaction continues to pour in from my column last week, which exposed the blatant move by The Weather Channel to advocate a liberal stand on global warming.

Environmental activists are furious that I mocked the failed prediction by climatologists and weather forecasters about the 2006 hurricane season. The global warming crowd promised a devastating year of powerful cyclones fueled by the warming of the earth. As it was, not one single hurricane struck the United States during the entire hurricane season.

I pointed out that this was just one example of why listening to people who have been proven wrong about forecasts time and again, and letting them dictate how we lived our lives, was insane.

I suggest everyone read this copy of the June 24, 1974, article in Time magazine where the junk science crowd in climatology beat their chests about the coming ice age. The article is literally titled, "Another Ice Age." Now, just 30 years (and no ice age) later, they say the earth is heating up and the ice caps are melting.

How many times will these people be proven wrong about global warming before brave politicians stand up and confront those who are trying to engage in social engineering?

Liberal activists have been organizing online campaigns to flood The Weather Channel with letters denouncing me. In copies of the e-mails and letters sent to me, environmental activists have noted that this winter has been unseasonably warm and that this serves
as further proof of global warming.

Have I got bad news for the junk science crowd. AccuWeather has just issued a report called "Winter to Come With a Vengeance" announcing that "those who think that winter 2006-2007 is going to remain mild are in for a shock." Read the report for yourself.

By the way, this upcoming cold snap (which is already being felt today in the West) is a short-term weather variation, just as the recent warm temperatures along the East Coast have been. But arm yourself with this information the next time someone tries to use a warm spell as evidence for the junk science behind the global warming propaganda.

Silencing conservatives on the airwaves
A final thought for this week is a personal one.

I've been the target, as have a number of other conservative talk-radio hosts, of an effort by liberal bloggers to get me fired for engaging in what these far-left activists are calling "hate speech."

The move by liberal activists to silence conservative radio hosts comes after the failure of the left-wing Air America radio network. Given that liberalism couldn't compete and win in the marketplace of ideas, liberals now want to silence conservative radio hosts.

One anonymous online blogger compiled audio clips edited to make it look like I was calling for the murder of Nancy Pelosi, when I did no such thing. (You can listen for yourself and understand how they are now trying to impugn my credibility by misrepresenting my words).

One blogger called for fining me and my station $325,000 for each "offense" so as to shut down our station. Another liberal blogger is lining up activists to do a drill to get Congress to pass a new Fairness Doctrine. Another blogger said they were going to work until they got me "off the air."

I've been on the air for 12 years at KSFO radio in San Francisco -- one of the highest-rated talk-radio stations in the nation.

Every day for four hours I sit behind a radio microphone, fighting for a better America that promotes freedom, liberty, security, honesty and integrity. That calculates to be about 1,200 minutes every week. That's a total of more than 60,000 minutes each year for 12 years.

Over the course of all these years, I have of course said things I regretted, or worded things in a way I wished I hadn't. When that happens I've retracted the statement and made a public apology, such as I did concerning comments made about Sen. Barrack Obama. You should read my statement on this matter here.

Despite the efforts by liberal censors to silence me, I will never back away from what I believe in: a strong national defense, respect for the men and women of the United States military, a secure border and enforcement of our nation's immigration laws, lower taxes, less government regulation in our lives and in business, respect for the values of decency, honesty and morality.

Any efforts to silence me are just further proof of how desperate and pathetic liberals have become.

Get Melanie's brand new book, "American Mourning: A Story of Two Families" – the whole truth about Cindy Sheehan

Melanie Morgan is chairman of the conservative, pro-troop non-profit organization Move America Forward and is co-host of the "Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show" on KSFO 560 AM in San Francisco. Morgan is co-author of "American Mourning," which reveals shocking new revelations about anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan.
World Net Daily.com ~ Melanie Morgan ** Liberals' attempts to silence me

Posted by yaahoo_ at 1:14 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 13 January 2007 1:29 AM EST

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