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Kick Assiest Blog
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Demented-crats cut and run from their own Iraq plan
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Democrats Back Away From Iraq Plan

WASHINGTON -- Democratic leaders backed away from aggressive plans to limit President Bush's war authority, the latest sign of divisions within their ranks over how to proceed.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Monday he wanted to delay votes on a measure that would repeal the 2002 war authorization and narrow the mission in Iraq.

Senior Democrats who drafted the proposal, including Sens. Joseph Biden of Delaware and Carl Levin of Michigan, had sought swift action on it as early as this week, when the Senate takes up a measure to enact the recommendations of the bipartisan Sept. 11 commission.

Reid, who will huddle with Democrats Tuesday to discuss whether to postpone the Iraq debate, cited pressure from victims' families for quick action on the Sept. 11 bill as the reason for doing so.

"Iraq is going to be there - it's just a question of when we get back to it," Reid said, predicting it would be "days, not weeks" before the Senate returned to the issue. The war reauthorization legislation also appears to lack the 60 votes it would need to pass the Senate.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., meanwhile, said she doesn't support tying war funding to strict training and readiness targets for U.S. troops.

The comments distanced her from Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., who has said he wants to use Congress' spending power to force a change in policy in Iraq, by setting strict conditions on war funding.

Pelosi said she supports holding the administration to training and readiness targets, but added: "I don't see them as conditions to our funding. Let me be very clear: Congress will fund our troops."

Asked whether the standards should be tied to a $100 billion supplemental war spending measure - as Murtha has proposed - Pelosi demurred, saying it was up to the panel that drafts funding bills.

The developments on both sides of the Capitol reflected a new level of disarray in Democratic ranks on Iraq. Swept into power by voters clamoring for an end to the war, Democrats have seen their efforts falter under a reality more complicated than they found on the campaign trail.

While the public is fed up with Iraq, there is little consensus over what to do.

Internal divisions, Republican opposition and a president who - while weakened - still appears to have the dominant voice on the war have all left Democrats flailing for a way to change the war's course.

The Democrats' symbolic measure disapproving of Bush's troop buildup passed the House only to stall in the Senate. The House plan to place strict restrictions on war funding appears to lack enough support within Democratic ranks to succeed, and looks likely to be scaled back, considering Pelosi's latest comments. The Senate bid to narrow the 2002 resolution authorizing the war appears to lack enough votes to be approved, and action on it now is likely to be put off - at least for the week.

The first signs of impatience among Democrats' allies are sprouting.

"The public is saying, 'We hired you to get out of Iraq - now figure it out,'" said Tom Matzzie, Washington director of the anti-war group MoveOn.org. "There is a risk that without action, frustration boils over into anger."

Democrats argue that their failed efforts to thwart Bush's war plans will ultimately pay off by ratcheting up pressure for a change.

"The administration is increasingly isolated and they are increasingly at odds with where the American people are," said Jim Manley, a Reid spokesman. "We're going to keep on going at it until the administration changes course."

But Democrats also are worried about being at odds with public opinion as House and Senate leaders push divergent measures.

House Democrats, who enjoy a 32-seat majority, will try this week to determine if there is enough support among themselves to pass the Murtha plan. Senate Democrats will discuss whether to postpone action on the war reauthorization, as Reid suggested.

Bush told governors Monday that he looked forward to a "healthy debate" on Iraq, but warned Congress against limiting funding for the war or commanders' flexibility in waging it.

"I do not believe that someone is unpatriotic if they don't agree with my point of view. On the other hand, I think it's important for people to understand the consequences of not giving our troops the resources necessary to do the job," Bush said.

Democrats' troubles finding a strategy on the war reflect a wider lack of consensus among the public about what course to take in Iraq. AP-Ipsos polls show that while a clear majority are pessimistic about the war and oppose a buildup, most people do not support cutting funding for the troops.

Zbigniew Brzesinski, Jimmy Carter's former national security adviser, said Democrats "run the risk of losing momentum."

They would be better off pushing some simple policy statements that could garner Republican support - such as opposition to establishing permanent bases in Iraq or to further expansion of the war - than trying to find a way to tie Bush's hands, he said.

"One has to be very careful not to get involved in micromanaging a military engagement," Brzesinski added.

Bush still enjoys substantial advantage when it comes to trumpeting his message on the war, even though his image and clout suffered major blows in last fall's elections.

Democrats, by contrast, have a cacophony of voices - including several presidential candidates - weighing in on what to do next in Iraq.

"The party's not unified. Until you control the executive branch, you really don't have a party - you have all these independent actors," Lawrence Korb, a Reagan administration Defense Department official, said of the Democrats' plight.

The Examiner ~ Assoc. Press - Julie Hirschfeld Davis ** Democrats Back Away From Iraq Plan

Looks like someone tipped 'em off to the fact that if they continued on the path they were going... political death is what they would get. Okay, who blabbed?!

Maybe it was Lieberman... he threw the ball in their court. I mean, playing with the lives for our soldiers (whom they wholeheartedly support) for political reasons? Nah, not the libtards.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 1:20 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 March 2007 4:19 PM EST
Hillary Clintax's family charity not disclosed
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Sen. Clinton's family charity not disclosed: paper

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to list on annual Senate financial disclosure forms the family charity she operates with former president Bill Clinton, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

Sen. Clinton, a Democratic presidential contender, has been an officer in the family foundation since it was established in 2001, but none of her ethics reports since then have disclosed that fact as required by congressional ethics rules, the newspaper said.

The foundation has enabled the Clintons to write off more than $5 million from their taxable income since 2001, while dispensing $1.25 million in charitable contributions over that period, the newspaper reported.

The newspaper said Clinton's office immediately amended her Senate ethics reports to add that information late Monday after receiving inquiries from The Washington Post.

"The details of the Clintons' charitable family foundation and Senator Clinton's role in it have always been publicly available but, in an oversight that leaders of both parties have made, it was inadvertently omitted from her Senate filing, which has been corrected," Clinton's spokesman Philippe Reines told the newspaper.

Several other high-profile politicians have come under scrutiny for omitting family foundations from their financial disclosure reports, including former Senate majority leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They amended their disclosures, the Post said.

Reuters ** Sen. Clinton's family charity not disclosed: paper

LOL, no story here... move along -- move along.

Must be just "sloppy," like Sandy Buglarpants. Hell, she misplaced those Rose Law Firm billing records and those pesky FBI files -- so it's a pattern of sloppiness. Vince Foster was wrapped up neatly though.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 1:00 AM EST
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
An Upside-Down World (A British libtard sees the light?)
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Here's some background from EU Referendum:

Did the Left lose its way?

Nick Cohen, the left-wing journalist who writes for the Observer, the New Statesman and the Evening Standard, among others, thinks the left has really lost its way by supporting the worst, most repressive and most ferociously right-wing ideology around: Islamism.

Then again, he seems to equate liberalism, in the British sense of the word, with leftishness, which is completely wrong. Liberalism is about freedom; left-wing ideology is about control. Perhaps, they did not really lose their way but have ended up in the most logical position. Here is why I think it is so.

Rest of Commentary, Source: EU Referendum ~ Helen ** Did the Left lose its way?


An Upside-Down World

The British far left makes common cause with Muslim reactionaries.

By Nick Cohen

LONDON -- The other day Ken Livingstone, the mayor of my hometown of London, organized a conference on Islam and the West. It was a carefully rigged affair in which handpicked speaker after handpicked speaker stood up and announced that the democracies were to blame for the tidal wave of murder sweeping the world. To provide a spurious air of balance, the organizers invited a few people who dissented from the line of the Muslim Brotherhood and its British allies. Agnès Poirier, a French feminist, was one of them, but she pulled out because although there were no special facilities for Christians, Hindus and Jews, Mr. Livingstone had provided separate prayer rooms for Muslim men and Muslim women.

She wanted to know: Does Ken Livingstone's idea of multiculturalism acknowledge and condone segregation? It clearly does, but what made this vignette of ethnic politics in a European city worth noting is that commentators for the BBC and nearly every newspaper here describe Mr. Livingstone as one of the most left-wing politicians in British public life. Hardly any of them notice the weirdness of an apparent socialist pandering to a reactionary strain of Islam, pushing its arguments and accepting its dictates.

Mr. Livingstone's not alone. After suicide bombers massacred Londoners on July 7, 2005, leftish rather than conservative papers held British foreign policy responsible for the slaughters on the transport network. ("Blair's Bombs," ran the headline in my own leftish New Statesman.) In any university, you are more likely to hear campaigns for the rights of Muslim women derided by postmodernists than by crusty conservative dons. Our Stop the War coalition is an alliance of the white far left and the Islamist far right, and George Galloway, its leader, and the first allegedly "far left" member to be elected to the British Parliament in 50 years, is an admirer of Saddam Hussein and Hezbollah.

I could go on with specific examples, but the crucial point is the pervasive European attitude to the Iraq catastrophe. As al Qaeda, the Baathists and Shiite Islamists slaughter thousands, there is virtually no sense that their successes are our defeats. Iraqi socialists and trade unionists I know are close to despair. They turn for support to Europe, the home of liberalism, feminism and socialism, and find that rich democrats, liberals and feminists won't help them or even acknowledge their existence.

There were plenty of leftish people in the 20th century who excused communism, but they could at least say that communism was a left-wing idea. Now overwhelmingly and everywhere you find people who scream their heads off about the smallest sexist or racist remark, yet refuse to confront ultra-reactionary movements that explicitly reject every principle they profess to hold.

Why is the world upside down? In part, it is a measure of President Bush's failure that anti-Americanism has swept out of the intelligentsia and become mainstream in Britain. A country that was once the most pro-American in Western Europe now derides Tony Blair for sticking with the Atlantic alliance. But if Iraq has pummeled Mr. Blair's reputation, it has also shone a very harsh light on the British and European left. No one noticed it when the Berlin Wall came down, but the death of socialism gave people who called themselves "left wing" a paradoxical advantage. They no longer had a practical program they needed to defend and could go along with ultra-right movements that would once have been taboo. In moments of crisis, otherwise sane liberals will turn to these movements and be reassured by the professed leftism of the protest organizers that they are not making a nonsense of their beliefs.

If, that is, they have strong beliefs to abandon. In Europe and North America extreme versions of multiculturalism and identity politics have left a poisonous legacy. Far too many liberal-minded people think that is somehow culturally imperialist to criticize reactionary movements and ideas--as long as they aren't European or American reactionary movements. This delusion is everywhere. Until very recently our Labour government was allowing its dealings with Britain's Muslim minority to be controlled by an unelected group, the Muslim Council of Britain, which stood for everything social democrats were against. In their desperate attempts to ingratiate themselves, ministers gave its leader a knighthood--even though he had said that "death was too good" for Salman Rushdie, who happens to be a British citizen as well as a great novelist.

Beyond the contortions and betrayals of liberal and leftish thinking lies a simple emotion that I don't believe Americans take account of: an insidious fear that has produced the ideal conditions for appeasement. Radical Islam does worry Europeans but we are trying to prevent an explosion by going along with Islamist victimhood. We blame ourselves for the Islamist rage, in the hope that our admission of guilt will pacify our enemies. We are scared, but not scared enough to take a stand.

I hope conservative American readers come to Britain. But if you do, expect to find an upside-down world. People who call themselves liberals or leftists will argue with you, and when they have finished you may experience the strange realization that they have become far more reactionary than you have ever been.

Mr. Cohen, a columnist for the Observer and The New Statesman, is the author of "What's Left?: How Liberals Lost Their Way" (Fourth Estate, 2007).
Wall Street Journal ~ Opinion Journal - Nick Cohen ** An Upside-Down World

At least ONE libtard is slowly starting to wake up.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 1:11 AM EST
Monday, 26 February 2007
Gore Mansion Uses 20X Average Household
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Lib Loser Stories


The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization committed to achieving a freer, more prosperous Tennessee through free market policy solutions, issued a press release late Monday:

Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.

Gore’s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh -- more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh -- guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk to walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.

For Further Information, Contact: Nicole Williams, (615) 383-6431 editor@tennesseepolicy.org

Drudge Report.com  Exclusive **
Power: Gore Mansion Uses 20X Average Household; Consumption Increase After 'Truth'

Posted by yaahoo_ at 11:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 26 February 2007 11:57 PM EST
New Fox News Blog Show 'It's Out There' Highlights John Edwards Virtual Skankland
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

John Edwards Headquarters in Virtual Skankland

I just caught the new blog show on Fox News, 'It's Out There'... and I thought it was super sweet to see Michelle Malkin actually had material, like the "tolerant, compassionate, free speech champ" libtard that hunted down a Republican, broke into his house, and assaulted him for his "crime" of supporting the Iraq War. While Dem strategist Kirsten Powers had NO material, rehashing the story of the guy who spray-painted his face red to aquire a driver's license.

But what really raised my brow is what Kirsten Powers brought to my attention about the John Edwards campaign site.

No, it wasn't about the anti-Christian biggot feminazi bloggers he hired, but a virtual reality tour where the Edwards Campaign Headquarters is conveniently located behind a wall of semi-naked women. Oh, just when I thought they couldn't get any more low brow...

The over-a-week old story is located at:
Digital Journal.com ~ timnleah ** John Edwards' Virtual Headquarters Found Over Wall Of Scantily-Clad Vixens

But the real comedy about this story is located at the libtarded blog, Huffington Post... where commenters are beside themselves, trying to figure out "What's the big deal?" and "Why are we even reading about this?"
Huffington Post ** John Edwards' Virtual Headquarters Found Over Wall Of Scantily-Clad Vixens

Posted by yaahoo_ at 2:23 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 February 2007 1:43 AM EST
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Text messages land middle school teacher in hot water for trying to buy pot
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Text messages land teacher in hot water

MURRAY, Ky. -- A middle school teacher trying to buy pot was arrested after she sent text messages to state trooper instead of a dealer, police said.

Trooper Trevor Pervine was at dinner with his wife and parents celebrating a birthday when his phone started buzzing with messages about a marijuana purchase.

At first, Pervine thought the messages were from friends playing a joke, Kentucky State Police spokesman Barry Meadows said. But a couple of phone calls put that idea to rest, and Pervine responded to set up a meeting, Meadows said.

Authorities say Ann Greenfield, 34, arrived at the meeting point and found Pervine and other law enforcement officers waiting for her.

"She learned her lesson. Program your dealers into your phone," Meadows said.

Greenfield, a teacher at Murray Middle School, was charged with conspiracy to traffic in controlled substances within 1,000 feet of a school, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, Meadows said.

She was suspended with pay pending results of an investigation, the Murray Independent School District said in a statement posted Friday on the district's Web site. A message seeking comment left at a listing for an Ann Greenfield in Murray, Ky. was not returned.

Yahoo News ~ Associated Press ** Text messages land teacher in hot water

"She learned her lesson. Program your dealers into your phone," [Kentucky State Police spokesman Barry] Meadows said. Helpful hint from the KSP???

And people wonder why the education system sucks. Hmmm, with middle school teachers going to buy pot? I wonder.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 9:19 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 25 February 2007 9:27 AM EST
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Biking militants die when bomb explodes prematurely
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Funny Stuff

At first glance, I thought the headline said "Bikini militants".
Why can't CNN call these animals terriorists?

Quick Abdul, pedal faster!

Biking militants die when bomb explodes prematurely

CHEECHA WATNI, Pakistan -- Three Islamic militants died in eastern Pakistan when a powerful bomb they were transporting by bicycle accidentally exploded Saturday near a bustling cattle market, police said.

Mohammed Shakil, a police inspector at the scene, told The Associated Press one of the men riding a bicycle had strapped explosives to his body that exploded prematurely, killing himself and the two others in Cheecha Watni, a town about 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of Multan, a city in Punjab province.

Shakil said the slain men were students of a local seminary and had links with Sipah-e-Sahaba -- a Sunni militant group outlawed by the government in 2001 in an effort to purge Pakistan of extremism.

Local police chief Mohammed Bashir said the cattle market with hundreds of customers may have been the target, or police who had gathered for a funeral service at the home of an officer recently killed in a gunbattle with militants.

The severed head of one of the militants was found in a nearby field, Shakil said. Police collected the suspects' remains for DNA testing.

Militants have vowed to avenge the killing of their comrades by Pakistani forces in the country's deeply conservative tribal areas, where Pakistan has deployed about 80,000 soldiers to flush out Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.

Police and security agencies have been on maximum alert following the January 26 suicide attack outside a five star hotel in Islamabad that killed a guard.

A suicide bomber killed 15 people -- including a judge -- when he blew himself up inside a courtroom in a southwestern city of Quetta on February 17.

CNN.com ~ Associated Press ** Biking militants die when bomb explodes prematurely

Do they get the posthumous Wile E. Coyote award from ACME?

LOL, Nobody's questioning their patriotism, just their judgement.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 25 February 2007 8:50 AM EST
Pregnant 14-year-old says it's 'fashionable' as four friends are also expecting
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Pregnant 14-year-old says it's 'fashionable' as four friends are also expecting

A pregnant 14-year-old has told how having a baby is now regarded as "fashionable" among schoolgirls.

Kizzy Neal has been asked to give advice to four of her classmates who have also fallen pregnant since Christmas.

The teen, from Torbay in Devon, said: "When my friends see my bump they say they wish they could have a baby, then three weeks later they're pregnant and don't know what to do.

"Teenage girls think babies are cute, but they forget the physical side of being pregnant, then having to give up your own childhood to look after a baby.

"It seems to be fashionable to get pregnant."

Family campaigners said her comments showed how the Government's sex education policy had left teens with the "ridiculous but extremely worrying" misconception that having a child was no different to getting a new handbag.

Her revelations come as official figures show England and Wales have the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in Europe - with the biggest increase among girls under 16.

Kizzy became pregnant the first time she had sex with her 13-year-old boyfriend.

She is due to give birth in May and aims to take three months off her studies at Paignton Community College in Devon, before resuming her GCSE lessons next September.

The teenager, who wants to become a social worker, said: "I'm lucky because my parents have stood by me. "Others think their parents will do the same, but that's not necessarily the case."

Her father Kevin, 43, blamed the rise in underage pregnancies on growing "gang culture" where teenagers hang around drinking, taking drugs and having sex.

He said: "There's a mentality that wearing a condom is 'uncool' whereas having sex is glamorised on the television and in music videos every day.

"As a parent it's quite horrifying to hear about all the young girls falling pregnant.

"The fact that Kizzy has had to help four pregnant girls just goes to show we're all failing somewhere.

"And it's not just the parents, the school and the local authority - it's a social problem."

His wife, Kerry, 41, insisted she 'couldn't have done more' to educate her daughter about the risks of under age sex.

She said: "No-one was to blame for her getting pregnant apart from herself. She was defiant.

"There's nothing for children to do in Paignton. I honestly think they get bored and think it's a fashionable thing to get pregnant."

Of the four other girls at aged 14 and 15 at Paignton Community College have also fallen pregnant, two have already had abortions, one is keeping her baby and the fourth is undecided what to do.

Dr Adrian Rogers, of pressure group Family Focus, said: "It is absolutely vital that we start to teach teenagers that having a baby is nothing like having a fashion accessory like a new handbag.

"Falling pregnant so young will damage their child's chances of wealth, health and happiness. In many cases it will also change the girl's body forever and make her anything but fashionable."

Norman Wells, from the pressure group Family and Youth Concern, said the sex education in schools had cheapened it and reduced it to a "casual recreational activity."

On Thursday, Labour announced it would conduct a major review of its sex education policy after figures from Office for National Statistics revealed that the number of pregnancies among under-18s in 2005 was 39,683, up from the 35,400 recorded a decade ago.

These included 7,917 pregnancies recorded among girls under 16.

The bleak figures mean the Government is less than a quarter of the way to meeting its promise to halve pregnancy rates among under-18s in England by 2010.

UK Daily Mail ~ Tom Kelly and Luke Salkfeld ** Pregnant 14-year-old says it's 'fashionable' as four friends are also expecting
View Comments More here...
Labour to think again over teen pregnancies
'Virtual babies' encourage teenage girls to get pregnant

Posted by yaahoo_ at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 25 February 2007 8:45 AM EST
Friday, 23 February 2007
Republicans stalked, hunted down, and assaulted over their beliefs
Mood:  loud
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Hunted and Assaulted

Three Republicans in Virginia were hunted down and assaulted by a man over their beliefs. Police in Fredericksburg, Virginia say 23-year-old Andrew Stone went to a nearby home after discovering one of the resident's names on a Republican Web site.

The resident and his two roommates engaged in a discussion with Stone, even though they had never met him before. The argument quickly got heated when Mr. Stone learned the three roommates had not enlisted in the military and "put their all" behind the Republican-led war in Iraq. The police were called after Stone refused to leave the premises, striking the roommates several times.

Stone was arrested on three counts of assault and battery. It's not known from the police report what political agenda Mr. Stone was supporting.

Fox News.com ~ Political Grapevine - Brit Hume ** Hunted and Assaulted

Yeah, "not known" what political agenda breeds this kind of unhinged hatred, huh? Take a wild guess, then see the complete story at:
Michelle Malkin.com ** Facebook nightmare: College Republican targeted by stalker speaks out

Posted by yaahoo_ at 9:39 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 February 2007 9:48 AM EST
It's War Within the Demented-crat Party
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Hillary campaign chairman, Terry McAuliffe: ''You're either with us or against us''
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

The Clinton-Geffen-Obama feud is a battle over the black vote;
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Limbaugh offers to mediate...

It's War Within the Democrat Party


RUSH: Back to the Democrats. They gathered together in Carson City, Nevada, for a so-called forum -- (laughing) -- Democrat forum on the campaign. It was supposed to be a debate. You want to know what this is really about. Hillary's loser stance on the war dominated the first Democrat forum. “As the front-runner, Mrs. Clinton drew perhaps the closest scrutiny.” This is the LA Times reporting. "In particular, over the 2002 Senate vote to authorize the war. Unlike others in the field, she has not apologized or called the vote a mistake. Asked about that, Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut said Clinton will speak for herself, then mused on the difficulty public figures have acknowledging ignorance or error. Given her turn, Clinton was asked by ABC's [and the former Clinton White House lap dog] George Stephanopoulos about apologizing. ‘My vote was a sincere vote based on the facts and assurances I received at the time,’ [she lied,] ‘adding that the most important thing now was to focus on changing the direction of US policy.’” There were no assurances. We have the sound bites.

The Drive-Bys won't play it. They will not go out and repeat for you what her Senate floor speech before her vote was all about. She said she independently investigated all this. She's trying to now say she was tricked, that Bush misled her and so forth. We have a sound bite from Mrs. Clinton. And this, of course, was about Obama and the little spat that has erupted. I have to tell you something about this. There is a cardinal rule. What is Mrs. Clinton, 23, 24 points ahead of the guy in the polls? I've not totally abandoned my theory about the role of Obama in this campaign. I'll get to that in just a second, explain that to you again. But there's a cardinal rule, ladies and gentlemen, in all areas of competition, and that is when you're at the top, you don't talk about anybody else beneath you. All it does is elevate them and make them important. You ignore them. You don't dare mention them. It's only the riffraff at the bottom of the poll that start squawking and making noise about the team at the top. They're entitled to because they're at the bottom and it's not going to hurt them.

I don't understand, therefore, in one sense, although I do in many others, I don't understand Mrs. Clinton giving Obama the time of day on this David Geffen thing. I don't understand it. Ignore it. Who's David Geffen? But that's not the Clinton way. You don't diss Hillary Clinton. You don't disrespect Hillary Clinton. You do not criticize Hillary Clinton. You don't do it. You don't criticize her. If you're a Democrat, you don't criticize her husband. If you do, you are going to pay the price. It's a mistake for her to do this. Now, my theory about this, and I'm not wedded to it, but it's a possibility. Mrs. Clinton is the front-runner, she's come out of the gate the front-runner, she's entitled, she's presumptive as the nominee and all of this. You know what happens to front-runners. They generally fade because somebody comes out of the pack, big surprise, and knocks 'em off. Bill Clinton was not the front-runner in the Democratic battles in 1992. He came from behind, had the Whitewater stuff show up in the New York Times, and Clinton showed he could defeat those SOBs, however he did it. He showed that he can overcome this.

Hillary has to do the same thing. Obama is out there, and now Hollywood… (Gasping) … some parts of Hollywood out there as an obstacle for Mrs. Clinton to overcome. She's 23 points ahead of them! I'm not saying Obama is part of this, but the way the Clintons are reacting to this, it is as though Obama is a serious opponent and she's gotta knock him down to show she can do it; show other Democrats that she can do it. What's actually happened is that you have people out there saying, “Gosh, I like this Obama guy because he's not backing down to Clinton, Incorporated. He's not intimidated. He's firing right back at them.” And that's one thing he's gotta do. He's gotta show he's a tough guy. He's only been around, what, two years in the Senate? Besides that, nobody knows what he did. Well, we do in the Illinois Senate. Wait 'til you hear some of things this guy voted for. All of that is coming up later when it's important. I got e-mails from friends of mine last night, “I like this Obama guy.” Oh, no, no, no! Why?

You tell me the American people don't want to win? The American people are sick and tired of Clinton, Inc., the American people, some Democrats, too. I read some Democrat websites last night and they are sick and tired of the Clintons. They're tired of dynasties -- Bush, Inc., Clinton, Inc., whatever it is, and they like this guy Obama slapping back and not taking this. Mrs. Clinton was asked about this. This is Stephanopoulos. “Your campaign's gotten into a bit of a press release scuffle with the Obama campaign today. It began with comments by David Geffen,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, “but do you personally believe that Senator Obama should denounce David Geffen's remarks?”

HILLARY: I want to run a very positive campaign and I sure don't want Democrats or the supporters of Democrats to be engaging in the politics of personal destruction. I think we should say --

RUSH: Come on, what a --

HILLARY: -- what we're going to do for America, and, you know, I believe Bill Clinton was a good president, and I'm very proud of the record of his two terms.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Should he denounce it? Should Senator Obama denounce it?

HILLARY: Well, I'm going to leave that up to the other campaign.

RUSH: What do you mean leave it up to the other campaign? Your campaign's out there saying he should denounce it. What, are you not part of your campaign? You have Howard Wolfson suggesting that Obama is this or that, should stop, should shut up and make Geffen shut up, and he's also out there calling Geffen the campaign finance chair for the Obama campaign, which he's not. And that Obama should give back the money that Geffen raised! The problem is that Geffen's not the campaign chair, a woman named Penny Pritzker from Chicago is, and she's part of the Pritzker fortune, the family owns the Hyatt hotel chain. Last night on Hardboiled with Chris Matthews, he interviewed the Hillary Clinton communications campaign director Howard Wolfson. And Matthews said, “You find what Geffen said vicious, I guess?”

WOLFSON: I find it unacceptable political discourse, yes. Our expectation was that Senator Obama, who is running a campaign premised on changing our politics, who has decried the politics of slash-and-burn, would denounce the comments, say that these comments don't represent his thinking or his campaign. We were, frankly, surprised that he didn't do that. It makes you wonder whether or not he agrees with them.

RUSH: What Geffen said was not personal. What he said was not slash-and-burn. What he said was true politics: Clinton lies. Hillary Clinton lies. They find it easy. And, frankly, they're reckless, and I'm tired of them. There's no slash-and-burn -- you don't criticize the Clintons. No, no, no, no, no. You don't diss the Clintons. So Matthews said, “Well, Senator Clinton was on that panel today out in Nevada. She was asked by Stephanopoulos if she wanted the Obama campaign to denounce the words of Geffen. She said I'll leave it up to them. But you're not leaving it up to them. Are you saying what Hillary is thinking?”

WOLFSON: I'm saying what the campaign is thinking, exactly.

MATTHEWS: What's the campaign?

WOLFSON: Senator Clinton's campaign.

MATTHEWS: Is that different than her?

WOLFSON: Sometimes I'm going to speak, and sometimes she's going to speak.

MATTHEWS: Does it mean that Hillary Clinton wants Obama to give the money back?

WOLFSON: Yes. If -- if -- if the campaign -- the campaign speaks for Senator Clinton and speaks -- absolutely.

MATTHEWS: But she said today she doesn't care --

WOLFSON: Because she's in front of a group of people who have come to hear her and the other Democrats.

RUSH: Wait a minute. She can't be truthful in front of even Democrats? She leaves it up to you to tell the truth of what she thinks, but she don't have the guts to say it, and she wants to be president? Mr. Wolfson, are you going to be the guy negotiating with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?


RUSH: Back to the audio sound bites. Once a Clintonista, by the way, always a Clintonista. Bill Richardson says Obama should denounce David Geffen. He was asked this at this Carson City, Nevada, forum yesterday.

RICHARDSON: Yes. Because I think that if we're going to win, we have to be positive. If there's anything about Democrats in the last few years, being a governor I felt this, we just can't criticize the president. There's plenty to criticize. We should advance our own policies, our own solutions.

RUSH: Yeah, well, do what you want to do, but look at this, “Stop criticizing each other! Stop criticizing each other!” Bill Richardson thinks that Mrs. Clinton shouldn't be attacked. Here's Obama last night in Iowa. He didn't even bother showing up at Carson City, Nevada, in this forum. Obama responding to the Clinton War Room criticism, and he does not denounce Geffen's comments.

OBAMA: My sense is that Mr. Geffen may have differences with the Clintons. That doesn't really have anything to do with our campaign. I've said repeatedly, I have the utmost respect for Senator Clinton and I considered her an ally in the Senate and will continue to consider her that way throughout this campaign.

RUSH: Not backing down to the Clintons. The Clintons have ordered him to renounce Geffen and give the money back, and Obama says, "No, not going to do it. I respect Mrs. Clinton." Obama, that won't buy you much with the Clintons. And of course Geffen also had to ream Carville, said he's tired of seeing James Carville on TV. Carville wasn't crazy about it. Wolf Blitzer said, “James, what do you think about Geffen's comments?”

CARVILLE: A Hollywood guy like that, you try to get him to open his wallet and shut his mouth, because, inevitably, he gets around Maureen Dowd, he's going to make a fool of himself. Geffen is a guy that he -- he -- as much as he knows about politics, he knows that little -- about Hollywood, he knows that little about politics. Somebody needs to say, hey, Bill Clinton has a 95 percent favorable among Democrats. This -- this -- this Geffen-led strategy of attacking Bill Clinton to win a nomination is -- is -- is indicative of -- of Mr. Geffen's political stupidity.

RUSH: Well, interesting, isn't it, that Carville's advice to Hollywood guys, “Open the wallet and shut up.” Now, they don't tell these people to shut up when they're out there bemoaning global warming or anything else, but don't talk about the Clintons, open your wallet and shut up. Wolf then said, “Well, here's what Geffen said, James, about you. He said he's basically tired of hearing James Carville on television.”

CARVILLE: That sentence is truly remarkable. People would say as annoying as I may be, how are you equating me with people like dying in a war. It goes -- again, it just goes to show you that this guy lives in some world, how do you go tell 3,100 widows that James Carville being on TV is -- it was --

BRAZILE: He might be jealous, James. He's jealous.

CARVILLE: I'll tell you what, Mr. Geffen. You can have my TV time. I'll take your money.

RUSH: Wait a minute, that was Donna Brazile saying that Geffen is jealous of Carville? How can it be? They're both bald. Well, shaved heads, what have you. But once again, he just thinks these Hollywood people are idiots. They're eating their own, ladies and gentlemen. They're eating their moneybags.


A couple other thoughts occurred to me during the break that I want to comment on. This is Carville, he was with Wolf Blitzer yesterday, talking about the comments that David Geffen made about the Clintons and so forth after supporting Obama. By the way, have you noticed that all these liberals are now jumping the black guy. Here's Obama, he's black, and he's black because people made him feel that way when he was a kid, not black because he decided it. He said this. And all these libs are jumping the guy now. Hillary's jumping on the black guy, Bill Richardson jumping on the black guy. I mean, if liberals were honest, they would get out of the way and let him have the nomination, affirmative action. First black president and all that. Instead, they're jumping the guy. Anyway, here's the first Carville bite. Don't need to hear the questions - just a couple things occurred to me in the process of listening to these.

CARVILLE: A Hollywood guy like that, you try to get him to open his wallet and shut his mouth, because, inevitably, he gets around Maureen Dowd, he's going to make a fool of himself. Geffen is a guy that he -- he -- as much as he knows about politics, he knows that little -- about Hollywood, he knows that little about politics. Somebody needs to say, hey, Bill Clinton has a 95 percent favorable among Democrats. This -- this -- this Geffen-led strategy of attacking Bill Clinton to win a nomination is -- is -- is indicative of -- of Mr. Geffen's political stupidity.

RUSH: All right, what's the message? We're not supposed to attack Bill Clinton. We're not supposed to attack Bill Clinton. We're not supposed to call Clinton reckless. We're not supposed to say he and Hillary are good liars. We're not supposed to do that. No, no, no, no, not permitted in the Democrat Party. Here's the second Carville bite.

CARVILLE: That sentence is truly remarkable. People would say, as annoying as I may be, you know, how are you equating me with people, like, dying in a war? I mean, it goes to -- again, it just goes to show you that this guy lives in some world that is -- how do you go tell 3,100 widows that James Carville being on TV is -- it was...

BRAZILE: He might be jealous, James. He's jealous.

CARVILLE: I'll tell you what, Mr. Geffen. You can have my TV time. I'll take your money.

RUSH: What are we to conclude from this? Here's what we're to conclude. It's real simple. We can undermine the troops. We can undermine the commander-in-chief. We can demoralize the troops. We can threaten and promise a slow bleed of the troops. We can deny them reinforcements. We can deny them troop rotations. We can deny them upgrades in equipment and armor. We can lose the war, we should lose the war! America should lose because Democrats own defeat, and we can unleash a genocide in Iraq by pulling out. But whatever the hell you do, don't call Bill Clinton a liar. You can say whatever you want about Bush. You can say whatever you want about Limbaugh. You can say whatever you want about the troops. You can own defeat. You can rip your own country to shreds day in and day out. Don't you dare criticize Bill or Hillary Clinton. That, my friends, is what you conclude from that.


There is a real war going on in the Democrat Party, and the media is trying to underplay this as, you know, like a cat fight and a skirmish, but I'm going to tell you what's really going on here. The Clintons are ticked off because Obama may in fact be the real first black president replacing the phony first black president, Bill Clinton. The whitest first black president from the scene. Make no mistake, this is about the black vote. This is all about the black vote. The Clintons, Hillary, not going to get anywhere without it. That's why all these stories, "Is Obama black enough?" You think these aren't coming from the Clinton War Room? Ha-ha. Guarantee you they are. Is Obama black enough? This is coming from the Drive-By Media! It's about the black vote, in the primaries.

Look, somebody needs to ride to the rescue here, my friends. I, as you know, have been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. As such, I am prepared to moderate the fight now going on between the first black president, who is a white guy, and the first would-be black president who is half white and half black. I can bring a perspective to this that perhaps the participants can't. I offer this, my peacemaking skills, to help the libs in this so that they end up embarrassing themselves further.


RUSH: More on the infighting going on now in the Democrat Party. It's more serious I think than anybody believes. We've been having a lot of fun with it ourselves, starting yesterday, when we first heard about the Geffen-Obama-Hillary contretemps. But let me tell you what this is akin to. Hillary's fight with Hollywood -- and that's what this is, a fight with Geffen is a fight with Hollywood -- would be just the same as Republicans fighting with the evangelical wing of the party. It's a very ominous sign for her that this is happening. It is truly ominous that a major Hollywood mogul is not just defecting, but is openly criticizing her and her husband. Think of McCain in 2000 and South Carolina ripping Bob Jones University and evangelicals and Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, whoever, evangelical worshipers. That's what this is. If that were happening in place of this, you make book on the fact that the Drive-By Media would be talking about this, “A major, major rift. Can the party survive?” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Now, what Mrs. Clinton is trying to do is to isolate Geffen and make him the only Hollywood guy. They're attacking him, and they have Carville out there on him, and they have Howard Wolfson on him, they've got Terry McAuliffe, The Punk. You've got all these people out there focusing on Geffen sending a message to the Spielbergs and the Katzenbergs and the whoever elses out there, both the management types, the owners, the actors, the key grips, the best boys, the whole schmooze. They are sending a message. The Clinton team is sending a message: it's going to be only Geffen and they're trying to put this fire out before it spreads. The Drive-Bys are trying to downplay this a bit and trying to make it funny or curious or what have you. Then you have the black vote as a serious component. That's the thing the Clintons need. Bill Clinton is the first black president. He’s a white guy. And he's afraid of the first real black president maybe being elected, who's half white and half black, that would be Barack Obama.

Why do you think there are stories in the Drive-By Media about Obama not being black enough, as though Bill Clinton is but Obama isn't? You think that just happens? It doesn't just happen in Clinton, Inc. Also notice this. Who instigated this? Who really brought this to light? None other than MoDo, Maureen Dowd. Of what? The New York Times. Now, Maureen Dowd is a reliable whacked out liberal. It's a shame how unhappy she is. I am tempted to think I could change that with just one dinner. You know me. I'm an eternal optimist. Just one. It would never happen, but we can fantasize. Nevertheless, she's a reliable, whacked out lib. She was the voice for Geffen. She gave Geffen's words amplification in the New York Times. Now, where's the New York Times going to come down on this? The New York Times is now in the middle of a rift between the Clintons and Hollywood. They’re not going to get rid of her, don't misunderstand, but I'm just telling you this is far more serious, even though it's entertaining to us, it's far more serious than anybody really knows.

This was supposed to be Hillary's coronation. This whole thing, this whole campaign, this whole primary season, this was supposed to be her coronation. She wasn't supposed to have to answer tough questions. She's on the listening tour. She has the chat room there on her website. She's not supposed to be dealing with any of this. This is not what was intended. This is a coronation. She's angry that anyone would seriously contend her nomination. And so is Bill. This is every bit as much about him getting back to the White House as her. Don't doubt that for a second. Now, Los Angeles Times today, "Gentle Jabs Turned to Punches for Clinton-Obama." And get this, “Her campaign chairman, Terry McAuliffe, recently warned donors that Clinton would remember those who did not back her. ‘You are either with us, or you're against us,’ McAuliffe told potential donors during a dinner at Haim Saban's house,” who is a big Hollywood producer and big honcho of the Clintons.

Now, when was the last time we ever heard you're with us or against us? George W. Bush. George W. Bush and the war. This was after 9/11 and he was telling the world, “You're either with us or you're against us,” you're with the terrorists or you're against us. It was a threat. The Democrats were just creaming him over it. They were just as mad as they could be. You don't threaten the world! Here's The Punk warning donors that Clinton, this is Hillary, would remember those who did not back her. You're either with us or against us. You know, folks, warning that she would remember those who did not back her. That's a threat. What does that mean? And whatever happened to diplomacy? Has anybody talked about diplomacy in solving this rift? I have. I offered myself to mediate.

I am a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. I would happily bring my peacemaking skills to this fight. Yeah, we could call it the Palm Beach Accords. They could come down here and they could talk at my estate. If they want a carbon fluorescent bulb in the room, I'll make adjustments. I'm not going to alter my house. I'll bring in a special lamp for it. But if they want, I will even do that. I will go that far for peace, the Palm Beach Accords. But they don't want peace and they don't want diplomacy. When fighting amongst themselves they're not utilizing any of the skills, requirements, policies, and techniques that they demand the country use in dealing with people that want to wipe us out. And The Punk telling people you have been warned? Mrs. Clinton will not forget those who were against her? (Gasping.) I just hope Obama and Geffen know those places in Washington to avoid.


Read the Background Material...
(LA Times: Gentle jabs turn to punches for Clinton, Obama)
(NY Times: In Both Parties, Fierce Infighting (All Eyes on ’08)
(NYDN: It gets ugly early as Hil slams Bam)
(NewsMax.com: Bill Richardson: Obama Should Apologize)
(American Spectator: Obama and the Nevada Eight)
(NRO: Disingenuous Party - Victor Davis Hanson)
(RCP: Obama's Worn-Out Economic Ideas - Thomas Sowell)

*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.
Rush Limbaugh.com ** It's War Within the Democrat Party

Posted by yaahoo_ at 7:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 February 2007 8:28 AM EST

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