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Kick Assiest Blog
Monday, 25 June 2007
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

(UK) Girl Takes School to High Court Over Purity Ring...

'Purity' ring case in High Court

A 16-year-old girl has gone to the High Court to accuse her school of discriminating against Christians by banning the wearing of "purity rings".

Lydia Playfoot was told by Millais School in Horsham, West Sussex, to remove her ring, which symbolises chastity, or face expulsion.

The school denies breaching her human rights, insisting the ring is not an essential part of the Christian faith.

On Friday, judgement in the case was reserved to a future date.

Miss Playfoot says Sikh and Muslim pupils can wear bangles and headscarves in class.

BBC News religious affairs correspondent Robert Piggott said a group of girls at the school were wearing the rings as part of a movement called the "Silver Ring Thing" (SRT).

Human rights barrister Paul Diamond told the High Court the school's action was "forbidden" by law.

"Secular authorities and institutions cannot be arbiters of religious faith," Mr Diamond said.

He said a question the judge would have to answer was: "What are the religious rights of schoolchildren in the school context?"

'Sexually pure'
Originating in America, SRT promotes abstinence among young people.

Our correspondent said it was now spreading to the UK as part of a wider protest by traditionalist Christians against what they see as the secularisation of society.

The rings are inscribed with a reference to the biblical verse I Thessalonians 4:3-4, which translates as: "God wants you to be holy, so you should keep clear of all sexual sin. Then each of you will control your body and live in holiness and honour."

Miss Playfoot's school said her ring broke uniform rules and ordered her to remove it.

When she refused, she was taken out of lessons and made to study on her own.

She told BBC Breakfast: "In the Bible it says you should remain sexually pure and I think this is a way I want to express my faith."

Miss Playfoot is seeking a judicial review under Article Nine of the Human Rights Act which guarantees freedom of religious expression.

She says that should protect her right to wear the ring.

In a written statement to Deputy Judge Michael Supperstone QC, Miss Playfoot said young girls faced a "moral and ethical crisis" and that other teenage girls at her school had become pregnant.

She said other pupils regularly broke the uniform code with nose rings, tongue studs, badges and dyed hair.

The only reason for banning the rings was because the school refused to "give respect to aspects of the Christian faith they are not familiar with", Miss Playfoot said.

"The real reason for the extreme hostility to the wearing of the SRT purity ring is the dislike of the message of sexual restraint which is counter cultural and contrary to societal and governmental policy," she added.

But headteacher Leon Nettley, said the school was applying a basic uniform policy, which "has the overwhelming support of pupils and parents".

He said her ring was "not a Christian symbol, and is not required to be worn by any branch within Christianity", adding that Lydia was free to display her faith in other ways.

Uniform code
Lawyers for the school will insist that it is not operating a discriminatory policy because allowances made for Sikhs and Muslims only occur for items integral to their religious beliefs.

It argues that a Christian pupil would be allowed to wear a crucifix.

In freely choosing the school, lawyers will also say that Miss Playfoot and her parents voluntarily accepted to adhere to the uniform code.

Miss Playfoot's first application to the High Court was turned down last year, but judges agreed to hear it after she appealed.

Miss Playfoot completed her GCSEs last week and has now left the school.

But her father Phil, who is a pastor, said she wanted to pursue the case because of its wider significance for all Christians.

"I think there's something bigger at stake here," he said.

Messages of support
Mr Playfoot and his wife Heather are part of the volunteer team which runs the UK branch of the Silver Ring Thing from their church in Horsham.

The organisers of the movement say as many as 25,000 young people have joined so far in the UK and that numbers are growing.

Miss Playfoot has received messages of support from politicians, including former Conservative party chairman Lord Tebbit and Tory MP Ann Widdecombe.

She also has the backing of the Lawyers Christian Fellowship (LCF) which represents 2,000 Christian lawyers across the UK.

The case is being funded through individual donations gathered through the LCF's sister group Christian Concern for our Nation.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 2:15 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 25 June 2007 2:49 AM EDT
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Want to have some fun with polls?

Go here (Polling Point.com)

Just pretend you're a "highly educated, very libtarded Demented-crat lesbian, fat activist, disabled black woman" who hates guns and loves government.

Before you know it, you'll get polsters on the phone all the time, and once you get known for answering polls, they'll call more often.

One issue that you need to consider. It might be a front for e-mail harvesters, so you should use a junk e-mail address.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 1:40 AM EDT
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Mood:  suave
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

  Old girlfriends cast their vote for Fred Thompson 

In the battle for the women’s vote, Fred Thompson has a secret weapon against Hillary Clinton - the legions of former girlfriends who still adore him and who want him to be president.

The Hollywood actor and former Tennessee senator racked up an impressive list of conquests during his swinging bachelor days in the 1990s, but he appears to have achieved the impossible and kept their friendship and respect.

Lorrie Morgan, a country singer who dated Thompson and considered marrying him in the mid1990s, told The Sunday Times: “I couldn’t think of a bad word to say about Fred if somebody put a gun to my head.

“Fred is a perfect example of chivalry. He’s the kind of man little girls dream about marrying, who opens doors for you, lights your cigarettes, helps you on with your coat, buys wonderful gifts. It’s every woman’s fantasy.” Thompson, who wooed Baroness Thatcher during a visit to London last week, is expected to announce officially next month that he is running for president. He is already challenging Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, for first place in polls of likely Republican voters.

Morgan remembers encouraging Thompson to run for president when they were together. “I think he has a great chance of capturing the women’s vote. He’s majestic. He’s a soft, safe place to be and that could be Fred’s ticket. Women love a soft place to lay and a strong pair of hands to hold us,” she said.

Georgette Mosbacher, a leading Republican fundraiser who dated Thompson after Morgan and remains a good friend, said he would defeat Clinton because of his appeal to “traditional women who will like the Southern gentleman in him”.

He is just as able to charm professional women, she added: “Another thing that is extremely attractive about Fred is that he is a really good listener. As a woman you can talk to Fred about any subject and know that you’re getting someone who respects your opinion and isn’t just being polite.”

In anticipation of a presidential run, a group of potentially supportive Republican congressmen recently questioned him about his private life.

“I was single for a long time and yep I chased a lot of women,” Thompson told them with a grin. “And a lot of women chased me. And those who chased me tended to catch me.”

However, he was also able to reassure them that he was on excellent terms with his first wife and home-town sweetheart Sarah Knestrick, whom he married in Tennessee at 17 and divorced 26 years later. Thompson said he had just spoken to her and she was intending to campaign for him.

“It says a lot about his character that his ex-wife and ex-girlfriends think he is fabulous,” said Mosbacher. “Character is important in a president.”

Mosbacher is a friend of Jeri Kehn, Thompson’s second wife, whom he married in 2002. At 24 years his junior, Kehn has been described as a “trophy wife” but the former Republican consultant is as clever as she is vivacious, according to Mosbacher.

“Just because Jeri is fun and beautiful, one should not make the mistake of stereotyping her. She is not someone who seeks the limelight and will not be out front, but will be very supportive,” she said.

Joe Scarborough, a television presenter, was recently pilloried for wondering on air whether Thompson’s wife “works the pole”, although he later claimed that he had been referring jokily to the pole fitness craze rather than to stripping.

When she was dating Thompson, Kehn complained that she had to chase other women away. “They just won’t leave him alone,” she told a gossip columnist. “I can’t get up to get a cocktail at a party without coming back and finding some girl sitting in my chair.”

One of her rivals for his affection was Margaret Carlson, now a columnist for Bloomberg News, but she has also joined in the praise for Thompson. “He’s handsome, he’s charming, he sounds like a president,” Carlson gushed recently. “He’s smart, he’s articulate, he knows his line, he can hit his mark.”

Morgan blames herself rather than Thompson for the break-up of their “serious” relationship. Although she is a Republican, the country singer believes that she was too politically incorrect to suit the role of senator’s wife. “Country music is all about glamour and shine and politics is a little more reserved,” she said. “I felt I had to change my whole wardrobe.”

Thompson not only charmed her but also the women in her family. At the time, she had two young daughters who are now in their twenties. “My children thought the world of Fred and my mother thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread,” Morgan said. “He has such charisma. He can go to a down-home Southern-fried chicken dinner and later that evening eat the best caviar and drink wine with an ambassador.”

She laughs at the thought that she could have become the first lady. “You know what?” she said. “The White House would never have been the same.”

UK Sunday Times Online ~ Sarah Baxter in Washington ** Old girlfriends cast their vote for Thompson

Posted by yaahoo_ at 6:09 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 June 2007 6:24 AM EDT
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Mood:  party time!
Topic: News

Fred Thompson Announcement Set For Next Week In Nashville...

Thompson Announcement Set For Nashville

Headquarters To Be Based At Fall School building

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Fred Thompson is set to announce that Nashville will be the home of his national campaign headquarters, WSMV is reporting.

A source close to the campaign planning tells WSMV that that Thompson planned to announce his candidacy on the steps of the historic Fall School Building Tuesday, but Thompson campaign officials deny that Tuesday's announcement is an official run for the White House.

The source tells WSMV report says that the Thompson campaign has obtained the lease for that building to turn it into a national campaign office.

"Everything's in place for tuesday," the source told WSMV. "There are three major events built around his announcement." But Bob Davis, the Tennessee Republican Party Chairman, and Thompson's former Chief of Staff says "There will not be an annoucement Tuesday."

The Fall School is Nashville's oldest still-standing school building. It currently houses office space, including a local office for U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander.

Video: WSMV: Thompson Announcement Set For Nashville
WSMV-TV, NBC 4 News - TN ~ Dennis Ferrier ** Thompson Announcement Set For Nashville

Posted by yaahoo_ at 5:19 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 23 June 2007 5:24 AM EDT
Georgia Brown
Mood:  special
Topic: Odd Stuff

2-Year-Old, "As Smart as Stephen Hawking"...

Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa

Her parents knew Georgia Brown was bright. After all, she could count to ten, recognised her colours and was even starting to dabble with French.

But it was only when their bubbly little two-year-old took an IQ test that her towering intellect was confirmed.

Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius-rated IQ of 152.

This puts her in the same intellectual league, proportionate to her age, as physicist Stephen Hawking.

According to an expert in gifted children, Georgia is the brightest two-year-old she has ever met.

Parents Martin and Lucy Brown have always regarded their youngest child as a remarkably quick learner.

She was crawling at five months and walking at nine months.

By 14 months, she was getting herself dressed.

"She spoke really early - by 18 months she was having proper conversations," Mrs Brown said.

"She would say, 'Hello I'm Georgia, I'm one'. She was also putting her shoes on and putting them on the right feet."

Georgia was so perceptive that after one outing to the theatre to see Beauty and the Beast she solemnly informed her parents: "I didn't like Gaston (the villain). He was mean and arrogant."

Struck by the similarities between her daughter and Matilda, the title character in the Roald Dahl story about a gifted child, Mrs Brown began to worry about Georgia's future education.

She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice.

Professor Freeman applied the standard Stamford-Binet Intelligence Scale test to Georgia and was amazed to find this was too limited to map her creative abilities.

She said: "Even at two she was very thoughtful.

"What Georgia did on some questions was of a higher quality than that which was necessary to gain a mark.

"She swept right through it like a hot knife through butter.

"I would ask her things like 'give me two blocks or give me ten blocks' and she would manage it as easily as you would expect a five-year-old.

"In one test I asked her to draw a circle and she did it so perfectly.

"Most adults would struggle to do that. Her circle was near to being perfect.

"It shows she can physically hold a pen well but also that she understands the concept of a circle."

Georgia, who is at nursery school, was also able to tell the difference between pink and purple - a skill which most children learn at primary school age.

Professor Freeman said: "I said to her, 'What a pretty pink skirt, and you have tights and shoes to match'.

"She said, 'They're not pink, they're purple'. Most children go to school aged five and start to learn colours, let alone knowing the difference between pink and purple.

"I have to keep reminding myself that she is only two."

To the amazement of the family, who live in Aldershot, Hampshire, Georgia scored 152 points on the IQ test, putting her in the top 0.2 per cent of the population. Those with an average IQ would score around 100 points in the same test.

Georgia was then invited to join Mensa, the High IQ society whose members have IQs in the top 2 per cent of the population. Georgia is one of only 30 Mensa members under the age of ten.

Mrs Brown, chief executive of a charity, believes Georgia has benefited by growing up as the youngest of five children.

She has been absorbing information from her older brothers and sisters and father, a self-employed carpenter, while not receiving any special treatment.

"There is always someone around to offer her something," her mother said.

"But she still has temper tantrums, like you wouldn't believe, throwing herself on the floor.

"She doesn't think she's better and cleverer than everyone else. She is a very kind and loving child."

Georgia, who has a "wicked sense of humour" is as busy as any toddler, enjoying a schedule of ballet classes, listening to stories, dancing, singing, sport and even watching the TV.

UK Daily Mail ~ Duncan Robertson ** Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa

Posted by yaahoo_ at 4:55 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 23 June 2007 5:03 AM EDT
Friday, 22 June 2007
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Libtard Michael Moore pulls out of health care debate with DeLay

(Source: Drudge Report)

SICKO director Michael Moore pulls out of health care debate against former House Majority Leader Tom Delay that was set happen Sunday morning on ABC'S THIS WEEK WITH GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS. According to Delay's office, Moore instigated the event but at first withheld a preview copy of SICKO and now has dropped out of the debate completely...


Turns out Michael Moore isn't as willing to debate conservatives as he wants the public to think. The plus-sized publicity hound is booked on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos for this Sunday and upon booking him as a guest, they all agreed to have a conservative on with him to make it a debate on health care policy. I was asked to go on with him, and after thinking it over a bit I told them I couldn't agree until I had actually seen the project and knew what exactly he was debating. They all agreed to overnight a copy of the film, I would view it this morning, and let them know ASAP.

Well, the movie never arrived. So, I wait, and then comes the news - Michael Moore has canceled the debate. Guess he didn't expect anyone to seriously take him on. Had I known he was this chicken, I would have accepted on the spot, but at least I can spare myself the agony of watching one of his mockumentaries.

Bottom line: his movies, his politics, and his incessant bullying are all an act. I guess to liberals like Michael Moore, cooking up a message isn't as appetizing when you're not the one controlling the cameras.

Tom DeLay.com ** Sicko is Scared-o

Posted by yaahoo_ at 5:10 AM EDT
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Rep. Lamar Smith Accuses Judiciary Demented-crats of Witch-Hunt on the Web...

House Judiciary Chairman Denies Administration Witch-Hunt on the Web

WASHINGTON -- A House Judiciary Committee Web page asking former and current Justice Department officials to offer their stories on politicization of the department "launched prematurely," but is still legitimate, Democratic Chairman John Conyers said Thursday.

The response came after Texas Rep. Lamar Smith demanded the new page be removed from the committee Web site, and called it a partisan attempt to persecute the Bush administration and misuse taxpayer dollars for a witch-hunt.

Conyers said the attacks by House Republicans over the page are creating a "sideshow and a distraction" from the real issue -- the firings of eight U.S. attorneys last December, he said.

"Some have raised allegations about a Web page that was designed to give department whistleblowers a mechanism to securely communicate with the committee. The Web page was launched prematurely, but the content of it represented a good faith interpretation of House rules," Conyers said in a statement.

"Within three hours of learning about a different interpretation of the rules and to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, the Web site was edited -- removing one word -- and is now, under any interpretation, in full compliance with the rules," Conyers continued.

During a Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law hearing to discuss the firing of eight U.S. attorneys and featuring Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, Smith, the ranking Republican on the full panel, complained that the new page, called Write Congress to Right Justice, seems to solicit information on politicization of the Justice Department, but in fact only seeks information about the Bush administration and not previous administrations.

Smith noted that Republicans were not consulted before the page was launched and pointed out that the Web page states that information sent by private individuals will be "received and reviewed by a select group of members of the majority staff of the Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives."

"This Web site purports to solicit evidence, but it actually appears to be a partisan persecution of the administration," Smith said. He added that he spoke to the House parliamentarian, who apparently told Smith that he is "very troubled" by the site.

"This committee, I'm sure we all would agree, should not engage in the partisan persecution of the administration's public officials," Smith said.

Smith's complaint referenced several quotes from a letter on the page from Conyers, D-Mich. In the letter, Conyers tells readers that the page was created "in response to numerous requests" by former and current career attorneys at the Justice Department who are concerned about politicization there and fear that revealing their concerns will result in retribution by political appointees.

It notes that many of the expressed concerns predate the current investigation into the firing of "at least nine" U.S. attorneys that have sparked months of hearings and Democratic efforts to shame Attorney General Alberto Gonzales into stepping down. But the committee wants to receive only "information concerning the possible politicization of the United States Department of Justice since 2001. The incoming communications should be limited to those who represent that they are or were employed by the Department of Justice during that period.

"The committee is looking for concrete and specific actions taken or statements made by management-level officials of the department that have led career employees to be concerned that law enforcement actions will not be handled on a completely non-partisan, impartial manner but will be unduly influenced by partisan political or other inappropriate considerations," the letter reads.

A stock form is then offered on the next page for individuals to fill out required fields and and write the details of their experiences.

The letter says names, titles and identities of senders will be "maintained in the strictest confidence" and "the substantive information provided will be utilized for official committee business to the extent that it can be verified and confirmed."

It also recommends those wishing to contact the committee not use departmental e-mail so as to "prevent such unfortunate retaliatory actions."

"We recommend that current or former employees use personal e-mail to this Web site or call or write the staff of the committee" at the majority Democrats' main line.

Prior to Conyers' statement, subcommittee chairwoman Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., said she was not aware of the Web page, and would review the page to determine whether it is problematic or necessary actions need to be taken to correct it.

FOX News' Mike Majchrowitz contributed to this report.
Fox News.com ** House Judiciary Chairman Denies Administration Witch-Hunt on the Web

It would be nice if these libtard politicians try governing for a change... instead of just criticizing and using government money to set up websites to dig up dirt against the administration, for partisan gain and witch hunts.

Should you wonder why confidence in the Demented-crat controlled Congress is at an all-time low. They would've made the organizers of the Salem witch hunts proud with their tactics.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 4:18 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 22 June 2007 5:26 AM EDT
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: News

US, Iraqi forces kill 41 insurgents in assault on al-Qaida

U.S. and Iraq forces killed at least 41 insurgents in two days of an all-out offensive against al-Qaida network in the volatile Diyala province northeast of Baghdad, the U.S. military said on Thursday.

During the first two days of the assault dubbed "Operation Arrowhead Ripper," at least 41 insurgents have been killed, numerous weapons caches and five booby-trapped houses have been discovered, the military said in a statement.

The troops destroyed three "enemy safe houses" and a number of roadside bombs, the statement said.

"Ground forces also found a house booby trapped with improvised explosive devices in the Khatoon neighborhood near Baquba. The building was destroyed with a rocket from an air support helicopter," it added.

In an another development, the military called in air support to kill another four suspects seen planting roadside bombs, the statement said.

Early on Tuesday, the U.S. military said that 10,000 troops, including 2,000 Iraqi soldiers and policemen, have launched a massive assault aimed at hunting for the al-Qaida militants operating in and around Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad.

"Our combined forces have begun destroying al-Qaida operatives and their resources in and around Diyala province," said Brigadier-General Mick Bednarek of 25th Infantry Division, who is also deputy commanding general for this operation.

Baquba, the capital of the volatile Diyala province, is the stronghold of the extremist Sunni militants of al-Qaida.

Source: Xinhua
People's Daily Online ** US, Iraqi forces kill 41 insurgents in assault on al-Qaida

Posted by yaahoo_ at 3:34 AM EDT
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to defy GOP leaders, voting against reviving immigration bill

Hutchison to vote against reviving stalled immigration bill

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, who has been under intense pressure from the White House and Republican leadership to support a sweeping immigration overhaul, nevertheless announced today that she will vote against reviving the legislation when it returns to the Senate floor next week.

She was joined today by the state's other senator, Republican John Cornyn, who had been expected by the bill's supporters to take such a stance. They had aggressively lobbied Hutchison in hopes of adding her vote to the 60 necessary to revive the stalled legislation.

"I could not support (bringing the bill to a vote) in its present position," Hutchison, criticizing the legislation as amnesty for illegal immigrants, said today.

As No. 4 in the Senate GOP leadership, Hutchison is the highest-ranking Republican to break from her party on a domestic policy issue of signal importance to President Bush.

"Until major changes are made that reject amnesty and a more open, fair process emerges for debating one of the most crucial issues facing our nation, I cannot support this immigration bill," she said.

Cornyn added, "Passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill has been, and remains, one of my top priorities in the Senate. It has become clear however, that I and many others will not be able to introduce amendments to fix key areas of this very complex bill."

The Republicans' top vote counter, Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi, predicted today that bill backers would get the 60 votes to bring the bill back next week, though he acknowledged the vote could be a squeaker.

"I think we're going to get it," Lott said. "But senators have a way of changing their minds and things tend to slide one way or the other."

The architects of the tenuous bipartisan immigration compromise, which twins increased border and interior enforcement with a path to eventual citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants, had given Hutchison a chance to propose an amendment in hopes of securing her support.

But Hutchison acknowledged that her amendment, which would require most adult illegal immigrants to temporarily return home within two years of obtaining their visa, was unlikely to succeed.

Houston Chronicle ~ Michelle Mittelstadt ** Hutchison to vote against reviving stalled immigration bill

Posted by yaahoo_ at 3:18 AM EDT
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Cause of 9/11 Collapse Study Backs Up Feds' Theory...

Study Backs Up Feds' Theory of Why World Trade Center Collapsed on Sept. 11

INDIANAPOLIS -- A computer simulation of the 2001 World Trade Center attacks supports a federal agency's findings that the initial impact from the hijacked airplanes stripped away crucial fireproofing material and that the weakened towers collapsed under their own weight.

The two-year Purdue University study, funded in part by the National Science Foundation, was the first to use 3-D animation to provide visual context to the attacks, said Christoph Hoffmann, a professor of computer science and one of the lead researchers on the project.

"One thing it does point out... is the absolute essential nature of fireproofing steel structures," Hoffmann told The Associated Press. "This is something that wasn't done originally in the World Trade Center when it was built. It wasn't code at that time."

Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering and a lead investigator on the simulation, said Purdue researchers hope their work leads to better structural design and building codes to prevent similar collapses.

"In the unfortunate development that we shall have to design structures to survive such events, the methods we have developed and will be developing will be of great use to designers," Sozen said.

The animation, intended in part to help engineers design safer buildings, begins with a map of lower Manhattan as it appeared on Sept. 11, 2001. The video then shows a plane slicing through several stories of the World Trade Center's north tower and follows the disintegrating plane through the interior and out the opposite side.

The report concludes that the weight of the aircraft's fuel, when ignited, produced "a flash flood of flaming liquid" that knocked out a number of structural columns within the building and removed the fireproofing insulation from other support structures, Hoffmann said.

The simulation also found that the airplane's metal skin peeled away shortly after impact and shows how the titanium jet engine shafts flew through the building like bullets.

Ayhan Irfanoglu, a Purdue professor of civil engineering, said half of the building's weight-bearing columns were concentrated at the cores of the towers.

"When that part is wiped out, the structure comes down," Irfanoglu said. "We design structures with some extra capacity to cover some uncertainties, but we never anticipate such heavy demand coming from an aircraft impact. If the columns were distributed, maybe, the fire could not take them out so easily."

A 2005 report following a three-year investigation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a federal engineering agency, recommended that cities raise fire standards for skyscrapers and develop new materials that can better protect tall buildings from fire. That analysis did not blame the collapse on the steel or design of the towers, but instead focused on the damage to the fireproofing.

Shyam Sunder, the lead NIST investigator, said he was aware of the Purdue study and called it and his own agency's study "among probably the most prominent analyses that have been conducted in the United States."

The animation is the latest project by the Purdue team to assess the structural damage from the Sept. 11 attacks. The team also studied the impact of the crash into the Pentagon.

Fox News.com ~ Associated Press ** Study Backs Up Feds' Theory of Why World Trade Center Collapsed on Sept. 11

This computer model is sure to be considered invalid by libtards, unless of course we're talking about Global Warming. Then the computer models are flawless and unassailable.

Posted by yaahoo_ at 4:49 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 June 2007 7:28 AM EDT

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